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We saw the oncologist today for Jims vision problems. He said he believes it is from the chemo but not totally convinced that is what is going on. He said it is also possbile that the steroids may have caused this as well. His eyes are so dry and red and just irritated so badly. He gets blurred vision as well. The only relief he gets is if we bandage his left eye up totally. The doc is sending us to a specialist o find out exactly what is going on.

He also gave us his latest blood test results and MRI. EVERYTHING IS LOOKING GOOD! Nothing new and the spot that was on his lung has shrunk in size. He only has the one spot. It has not spread anywhere else..THANK GOD!!!

His CEA level has dropped and is down to 5!!!! Which normal is 2.5 range. WE are outta of minds excited. This means the treatment is working. The doc finally ordered a PET scan, that will be next week. To date we have never had one. I am real anxious about those results. Possible remission is what we are hoping for? He said the vomitting (which really wasn't alot) compared to what it was months ago is normal for having chemo and weaning him off the steroids. He goes to 1/2 a mg of Decadron starting tomorrow and then off completley. Once he is done with that he will be taking no prescribed meds. To me that is good, right? I mean he has never had any pain so never had to take any kinds of pain pills and really only needed something for the nausea and heartburn. We are lucky as far as that goes. Anyway, I am hoping and praying we get good results from the PET SCAN. I am positive and so is my honey! He will continue his fight and be the winner of this one, that I am pretty confident of. He has way to much to fight for. He is only 44 and we have three small children who love and need him as much as I love and need him. Anyway, I just wanted to share some good news for once.


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Hi Jeannie. It is SO good to hear your great news. A bit of a sigh of relief for you and your family. Praying for good results from PET scan. Hey, celebrate and have a party with your kids (pizza maybe!). I am 44 with young kids as well and hoping for many many more years with my family...wishing the same for yours.


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Thank you everyone!

PET scan is scheduled for June 3rd. He has been doing okay. He is down to 1/2 mg steriod(appetitie has decreased). I am really pushing the ensures and he is eating small meals and drinking those up. The vision troubles are still rough on him but alittle better. We see the eye specialist tomorrow. I will let you all know, send some extra prayers our way.

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