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Or so I thought

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I thought that Tom was doing pretty good with the eating. Or so I thought.

We saw the Onc today and they weighed Tom. He has lost 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks. The neurapathy in his fingers and feet is getting worse so they are going to push the last chemo back a week to 6/30. Today was day 15 of 35 for radiation.

He is bordering on dehydration so we have to push more fluids. the Onc says to keep a close on this . If he gets worse he can just go in for an hour for IV fluids.

Other than that they drew blood today and his counts are as folLows:

Patient Limits

WBC 8.8 4.5 - 10.5

LY 10.1 L 20.5 - 51.1

MO 6.8 1.7 - 9.3

GR 83.1 H 42.2 - 75.2

LY# 0.9 L 1.2 - 3.4

MO# 0.6 0.1 - 0.6

GR# 7.3 H 1.4 - 6.5

RBC 3.63 L 4.0 - 6.0

Hgb 12.4 11.0 - 18.0

Hct 36.8 35.0 - 60.0

MCV 101.2 H 80.0 - 99.9

MCH 34.1 H 27.0 - 31.0

MCHC 33.7 33.0 - 37.0

RDW 14.7 H 11.6 - 13.7

Plt 124.0 L 150.0 - 450.0

MPV 7.7 L 7.8 - 11.0

I don't know what they all mean but the Onc was relatively pleased with the results.

The last radiation day 7/15 is 2 weeks and 1 day after the last chemo and we will wait until then to do another scan and see where we stand.


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Looks like Tom's WBC is good. The WBC at the white blood cell count. The white blood cells fight infection. His hemoglobin is OK - That number will tell you if he needs a blood transfusion. Platelets are low but not critically low. Platelets help control any bleeding. If they are too low, there is a high risk for bleeding form a cut. My dad has to be monitored for dehydration. The numbers that are important to me are WBC, HGB (hemoglobin), and PLT (platelets).


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Tom bought up something that I forgot to mention.

He has noticed an attitude change in the Onc from the first consult until now. A positive one mind you. In the beginning the Onc didn't seem to be that optimistic in regards to the result we can get. Now he is just happy as a clam with the progress.

The Onc said today "We keep beating you up and you keep bouncing back."

With the minimal side effects Tom has had through this and being able to continue to work throughout his treatment as well as reading how hard some are struggling with their treatments I suppose we should count our blessings.


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