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I posted a week or so ago in the introduction section. I have been meaning to post more but, life got too busy. Anyways, after I have posted my mom started coughing up some blood and was starting the vomiting . All, this has stopped after that one day. Now, she's just coughing up clear to brownish stuff. WE go to the DR on Tuesday so, will post any updates that he gives.

You know Im so frustrated and just wanna break down and then cry. I bealrly sleep at this point as not only as there is not enough time in my day but, toss and turn and wake up within the hour of me falling asleep. I know with mom there is a very long road ahead of me there. But, my grandpa is in the hospital with pneumonia and not exspected to make it (I have POA over him also). And the call this morning that my grandma got rushed lastnight to the ER and they admitted her with possiable surgery. Im so scared if something happens to either parent mainly her mom that she will give up to. Im not ready to loose 3 people. You know what gets me the most at this point people keep saying "Keep praying" I have done this since the start and all he does is add more and more to me. Im really thinking GOD has me mixed up with someone else and he can stop at anytime. Dont get me wrong I do NOT regret anything Im doin not even for a second.

Im sorry for releasing all this on you all but, thank you in advance for listening to me.


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I am so sorry you are going through all this. You sure have a lot on your plate right now. Are there any other family members (brothers/sisters) that can give you some assistance???

I wish I could do or say something to help you, just please know that we are here for you and thinking and praying for you and your entire family.

Hugs - Patti B.

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I am so very sorry you have so much to deal with all at one time. I do hope you have someone else who can help you. This is all just too much for one person. You come here and vent about it all you want . We care and even if we can do nothing else, we are willing to listen and offer a cyber hug or two.



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Thank you both for the kind words and letting me vent. As, far as help my older brother is POA #2 and decided after he signed he didnt want to help nor the responsibility. All he choses to do is try to control everything and all the decisions. He has also moved a few months ago and left all this on me alone. So, my feelings are you walk away and want no responsibilties than you shall have none. When something happens to any of them he will be the one regretting what he didnt do and could have done., Not I! My mothers brothers and sister chose to also be the same way unfortantly. Thats the reason I stepped up and took POA over my g-pa as no one else was going to. My mom there was no thought just doing...she my mom :wink: . But, you now they will have have to live with the saying "Do on to others as you would like them to do on to you"!


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Hi Ashaki. Always feel free to vent here...that is what we are here for. What you need to do is just take a deep breath, and keep hoping...there is always hope. I pray that you have the strength you need at this time to get through this overwheming period. The craziness will hopefully slow down soon to something at least a bit more manageable. Take good care of yourself too...you need to be healthy and rested to deal with all this the best can.


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Im sorry for releasing all this on you all...

Ashaki, no need to apologize, that's what we're here for. And your use of the word "release" is very appropriate -- that's exactly what you're doing, releasing those negative thoughts that will hurt YOU more than anyone else if you keep them bottled up inside.

A number of our caregiver members have been through very similar experiences, so keep venting, and they'll help you through yours. Aloha,


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