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2 weeks


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It has been 2 weeks. Sometimes it feels like so much longer. My husband took me away for the weekend. I still have anger issues but I seem to be getting that under better control. Crying unexpectedly, still. Mom is getting on with things pretty well. She calls more, so I know she is lonely. We all miss him.

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I am so sorry. I know how you feel and I wish I could tell you that it gets better...but I'm not sure that I can. You do learn how to move on...slowly putting one foot in front of the other. Hours become days and days become weeks. Somehow we manage to go on. Yesterday was 10 months since I lost my Mom. It is still very hard and I miss both of my parents daily. I can't believe they are gone.

Hugs to you,


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So nice that your husband took you away for the weekend. You really need to be patient with yourself right now. Grieving is such a complicated process and not the same for all of us , but in many ways the same. So much of what you write about , many of us can relate to and we DO understand. Hang in there and keep in touch.



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I just don't feel like I should keep posting, the way I feel. It brings everyone down. They come for information and support. I read about people's visits to other sites and how the forums are full of people complaining. They like this site because it is uplifting. Then I look at my posts and so much of it is complaining. I am normally a strong person. I don't want to be a victim. And that seems to be what my posts say- victim. So I will just buck up and get on with life. No more pity parties.

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shrimp, what is "uplifting" about this site is that people like you and I can come here and talk about our pain. Watch as others do it--see how the rest of the group gather around in a big virtual hug. That's what's uplifting. Stop being so hard on yourself and let people help you. This is not something that is a matter of will power or that will resolve itself over night.

Wishing you moments of peace in what's left of this day.

Judy in Key West

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what is so awesome about this site is that there are forums that allow us to "vent" and "grieve" and "celebrate"... there are forums here that allow us to feel the many emotions that go hand in hand with any disease... Don't feel that you can't come here and share your many feelings... thats what the grieving forum is here for... Love, Sharon

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Sometimes, it's just uplifting to find someone who understands how we feel. We are so blessed to have this site . I can't tell you how many times that I thought I was alone in my feelings and someone came along expressoing the same... it was a comfort to me to know that I wasn't alone. I felt normal once again... You are always welcome here. Be yourself and share with us.



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I agree with the last few posts - please continue to post when you feel like it. I have been reading your posts, as well as all the responses, and it doesn't bring me down at all. Here's why. I can tell that you are down (understandably), and you are honest with your emotions, and I appreciate that alone. It's nice to know that other people feel that way too. The uplifting part comes when I read everyone rallying around you, and I know that when I need it (as I did just a few weeks ago), they will rally around me too! I've only been on here one month, but I am confident that this outstanding crew will rally, and I bet many of them feel good getting to help others in their times of need. We all have those times, so please continue to share your feelings with us anytime you want.

You can PM me anytime too - I'm on the computer often.

Thinking of you,


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