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Sunday's Air


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It was so good to see several friends stop by on the Air on Friday. Reading through your posts made me realize everyone missed that I said Happy Valentine Day a day early. I did, I got the day wrong but the reason was good--my husband had returned from the grocery store with a pot of red tulips and an orchid and said "Happy Valentine's Day." Busy me took it literally that it was Valentine's Day.

Sandra, I just love your flower count custom. How much fun is that! And Randy, you'll be happy to know that my husband frequently buys me flowers and always at the grocery store, no candy, and we stayed home for dinner. But the Pastry Chef thing, well who would have known! And ts, what a lovely way to celebrate, with a home baked sweet you both love! And Barbara, my energy dip-stick read "low" by the time we got through the park yardsale yesterday. But it was worth it. Sold nothing but a few old books for $1.00. I was so thrilled someone wanted them (old paperback classics not worth $$$) that I let the lady take 8 of them. Best thing is, the stuff (not a ton) that was in my house went into boxes into my husband's truck to be donated to a charitable second hand shop.

I'm laying low today and recharging my batteries. Do have an investment club meeting tonight. Hubby will drive so I don't even have to do that.

Have a great day everyone and hope you are all beginning to get some warmer weather.

Judy in Key West

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Hey there Judy and Leslie. Yes, sounds like you were due for a down day Judy.

Leslie, you must be pretty talented to be making a quilt. Way out of my league.

I got out of the house today with help. To the mall, to pamper myself and get my nails done! That felt good.

It's a beautiful day here, plus 12 degrees celsius with spring definitely in the air!

Have a nice evening everyone.


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Leslie, I would really like to see a picture of your quilt. I was always going to make one. I sewed a lot years ago and was going to make a quilt of all the leftover pieces from clothes I made myself and my daughter. Woulda shoulda coulda. Scraps are long gone now.

Sandra, that is really great you got out today. I think a little pampering was in order after what you've been through. My down day was great, ended at an investment club meeting that is actually a nice social event as well as a meeting. And the refreshments were yum.

Now it wind down time.

Judy in Key West

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