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Still Craving Air....Wednesday


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Since Judy may be traveling right now, I thought I'd go ahead and get the "AIR" circulating today and hope that she'll jump in later.

It's so hot here on Florida's Space Coast. It's been in the 90's for a week or do now and the heat has been helping to work up some pretty good afternoon showers. My grass is greener and healthier looking than it's looked in several years, so it's either really good fertilizer or all of this rain. Not sure where to give the credit. I'm sure that Lynn, Judy and I all saw some of the same lightning last night, as we had some pretty good storms rolling around the area. I was so late getting to bed, as I have a problem taking a shower when there are lightning strikes all around. There's just something about pipes, water and lightning that make me nervous...LOL. Finally, the storms settled down a bit and I jumped in the shower.

Next weekend, I'll be in Orlando Friday and Saturday night for the state American Legion convention. It will be so nice to just get away for a couple of days and have someone else make the bed!!!

Oh, forgot to tell you about a co-worker's latest incident at an upscale hotel. She and her S/O were traveling in Texas, on business, and stayed in a really classy hotel. She woke up and her entire back and sides were covered with these big red whelps. She first thought mosquitoes but after visiting the doctor, confirmed they were bedbug bites. She has been back in the office a week and is still itching like crazy. Makes me a little nervous about staying in a hotel right now.

Hope everyone has a great day in your corner of the world!!!

Let's have an active posting day today, as things have been dragging a little bit. I miss hearing from everyone!!!


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Well thanks for planting that bedbug story in my mind, Ann :?:wink::roll::x:!:


PS: Love the pic of Tanner Dog! BTW ~ remember that pic you posted of doggie in the chef hat at the stove? Was that REALLY Tanner Dog? If so, he's famous on the internet.

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Ann, I'm still here in Key West. Leaving somewhere around the end of the week for PSL, then Orlando, then Lazy Days RV sales/svc to get our satellite checked out for Direct TV. We'll be spending lots of days on the road without cable this time and since June 12 only get snow! And not the kind you shovel.

I've been getting onsite at least once a day but it's been a rough month. I'm still suffering from some sinus/allergy thingy. The swollen caked eyes were back yesterday and burned so bad I had to wear sunglasses all day. Add to that congestion alternating with runny sniffly nose and eyes and earaches and headaches. Makes for a pretty miserable me.

Did go to group last night and it was a lively one. Hubby took us (Dominick is still with us) and picked up my elderly friend Lorrine on the way. The guys came back for us in an hour and the four of us went to Friday's for dinner. Good time.

My ails woke me up ahead of the storm Ann. I couldn't get back to sleep until I read and drank herb tea. I went back to sleep at 2:20 am and the storm woke the guys about 3 pm. They said it was fierce. I slept through it lol.

Have a good day everyone. I'm going to get up when I leave the site and do something all the while pretending I feel good.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning everyone!

That bedbug story creeped me out - I always worry about that when I stay in a hotel. I actually think the nicer hotels have more of a problem because their guests are more likely to come from all over the world.

I wish we were having some nice hot days with storms at night! It has been cold and rainy here all month. Today is the first sunny day warm day in forever and since the forecast calls for rain until next Thursday I am headed to the beach for the first time this year! My gardens are completely overgrown and we haven't even opened the pool yet - slow start to the summer!

I am thinking about heading to Florida in July for a week - my father is not doing well and I need to see him. I don't fly - so it will be a long trip! It will get me geared up for long drives because my husband and I have started planning a cross country RV trip in the spring -(positive thinking!) We have never even been in an RV much less driven one - so the thought just cracks me up - but there are things I want to see on my life list. Maybe you can give me some good RV advice when the time gets closer Judy! Hope you are feeling better today -

have a wonderful day everyone -


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Janet, first and foremost, when you are RVing, give yourself plenty of time. Rushing is not fun!

About five years ago, we went to CA to visit my son and his family. The trip was made much easier by an itinery I ordered from Good Sam's Club. It was free with our membership. I'm sure you could do the same with AAA, Family Coach or other travel clubs. It was a goodsend. I would ask Stan in mid afternoon what time he wanted to stop. Then it was easy to figure on the itinery where we would be and what the closest park was. We only overstepped and messed up once. Without a guide like that, you can wind up missing the last park for miles and miles and driving until you are exhausted. As a stopgap measure, we now have a book of all the Walmarts and Sams Clubs in the US. You do need to call ahead and make sure you are welcome.

It is a great way to travel once you know what you're doing LOL.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning everyone!

Glad to see you back on the air Judy. I hope you start feeling a bit better. Particularly when traveling.

Yuck re the bed bugs Anne. My mom winters here and stays with her S/O in a suite hotel. They always stay in the same room. And this year, they both got bed bugs! Not a really fancy hotel. They were relocated for a few nights while they got that mess sorted out. So, it sounds like bed bugs are more common than I thought.

A cross country RV trip sounds like fun Janet. Sounds like some good pointers from Judy. We have thought about doing that and going across Canada. For sure not to be rushed though, we always thought we would need at least a few months. Good luck with your planning.

We are still on a very long dry streak. Although it has cooled off a bit. There is now worry about forest fires this summer which we have had our share of in the past.

My sister and her family are flying in tomorrow for a visit. I just had my other sister and her kids leave a few weeks ago. So more non-stop action on the way. We will play tourists in our own home town. I even think we will go whale watching. We have never done that despite living here for many years so figure it is about time. I am on an off chemo week so I should be feeling pretty good for their visit.

Hope everyone has an awesome day.


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This cross country RV trip has me thinking about one thing and you all probably know what it is???

Where is Becky Snowflake and that big blue bus????

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My chemo is tearing me up good, Tuesday I played music for a few hours, felt really good. Got home and couldn't sleep at all, was up till 6 am, napped for a couple hours and woke up completely hoarse but didn't feel too bad. was up for a couple hours, unloaded my music equipment, pulled out my guitar and my fingers screamed bloody murder at me. Took another nap for a couple hours, woke up even worse, (don't know how to be more hoarse than completely but I was). Then I started getting a sore throat and horrible nasal pain, burning. Rinsed with McNeils rinse and Vaselined, didn't help. Then was feeling real bad, feel sunburned all over my neck, chin, face, wierd, plus lost my internet connection for about 12 hrs. 4 am again, no sleepy tonight again. Go for bllodwork and Dr Appt. today at onc. Yay Plus I'm so confused, I thought the bus was on the road already, been going to both Walmarts every day looking for a big blue bus. Maybe I should actually ask someone the story of the big blue bus, LOL. Yall have a whole day, part of it is bound to be good.

Donny in Way West

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