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Monday's Air


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Morning All. An early Air today to make up for yesterday. I had upgraded my IExplorer Sat night and it wouldn't let me on Sun morning. Had to get out fairly early for my fea market and didn't have time to fool with it. Got it going when I got home but by then was beat. After a rest I had to help set up for my husband to cook out for work crew last night. He was at work with them. Actually wound up going in the bedroom before they left. I was beat.

Driving to the flea market was an adventure. The lady in the GPS wouldn't recognize anything I came up with and I was feeling my way there. It was a rag-tag affair that you got to by driving down a rutted dirt narrow drive that decended at a crazy angle. I got a couple of old glass refrigerator dishes for my daughter. I got me an old small Corning cassarole with snap on lid that Corning doesn't make anymore. It was my find of the day. I have a couple and gave a couple to my daughter and she's lost them! I'm happy I did the trip but boy I hated driving all those windy mountainous roads.

Mike and ts, I have to tell you I love you putting the Air to bed. I sometimes go in at night and read. Mike hope Sun was as good as Sat, and ts that ice cream sounds awesome--licorice, wow, never heard of that.

Hope everyone had a great weekend and now have a good day.

Judy still in Mansfield PA

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Good Monday morning, friends. As always, it's so wonderful to log on and find that our breath of fresh "air" is already here! Judy is such a great gal to open her window every morning and let the "air" start flowing!

Judy, I would have love to have been with you yesterday. Flea markets and garage sales are my passion. Lord knows that it's not because I need any more clutter around my house. It's all about the thrill of the hunt. I think I must have been a pirate in a previous life, as I'm always looking for that valuable and priceless treasure that I find with a 50 cent sticker attached...lol! I have a good friend that also loves garage sales and I can tell you that we have absolutely no problem making an entire day out of visiting garage sales.

I'm so sorry it's Monday already, as I had a great weekend. We babysat on Saturday until about 4:00 and then met friends later for dinner and a night out, listening to a band we all love. I usually don't drink but Saturday was a rum and Diet Coke night and I had a ball. Yesterday was spent just getting some things done and baking and icing a cake to decorate at tonight's class. I can tell you right now that I would never pursue cake decorating as a profession. I figure if I get to the point I can decorate birthday cakes for my family, I'll be flying!!!

Hot, humid and a chance of rain/thunderstorms her on Florida's Space Coast. I'm beginning to wonder if this big white bird (shuttle) is ever going to be able to fly!!!

Be happy today in your little corner of the world!


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AHHH Flea markets and garage sales. I love them!! I am with Ann in that I don't need more clutter but I sure love the thrill of the chase.

Well it is a 2 week countdown to the next family reunion in Indiana. 2 weeks until my step daughter, her boyfriend and his 2 girls come into town for the reunion and they are staying with us for the weekend. I have a lot of house cleaning to do as I have really let things go the last few months. I did tear apart my bedroom yesterday and packed up some stuff that I have given up on ever fitting into again and I am sending it off to Goodwill. I would sure love to have the Clean Sweep team come to my house right about now.

It is also 2 weeks until Tom's next birthday and his 18 month survival mark. This will be is second b-day since diagnosis!!

Tom will be going to the onc on Thursday for his 3 month check. I think they will go ahead and set up the next scan as well which should be in August. He is still having a hard time with the SOB and coughing in spite of the inhaler and nasal spray they added to his regimen.

Well I need to finish getting ready for work.

Have a great day everybody.


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Hi everyone,Its been a humid day here in the heartland.More storms in the forcast tonight. And so brings to a close of July14,2009. Goodnight everyone. TS if you should come in after me would you turn out the light but leave a nightlight on so that any late comers dont stub their toe.

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