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I wanted to give everyone an update. I went to Memorial Sloan and they want to move forward with Cryoablation of the area where my adrenal gland used to be. I have not yet said I'm definitely doing the procedure as it comes with some risk and I'm really on the fence.

My mom said that all procedures come with risk and what makes this one different. I'm not sure..but I got the sense that even though the doctor has done this procedure 100's of times successfully that he seemed a little apprehensive. I'm just not sure what to do. My other option is chemo (none of previous chemo's ever worked) and I don't know what kind they could try this time.

I just don't know what to do.


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This must be a hard decision for you - maybe you should get a second opinion??? Or maybe ask Dr. West???

Whatever you do, go with your gut feeling - those usually turn out to be the best. You know I am wishing you success in whatever you decide to do.

Please keep in touch - you know I care.

Hugs - Patti B.

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Wish I could offer some experience. I would just like to say that i agree with the others in that you should take your time making your decision and asking Dr. West and or getting a second opinion might be helpful. Know that my prayers are with you as you make this decision and move ahead .



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Is there anyway you can say to the doctor - you seem apprehensive, can you tell me why or what you are thinking about this?

When my sister was contemplating cyberknife, she told me (wish I had been at that appt) that her oncologist didn't seem too sure about it. So I emailed the PA with a long list of things that I could see being an issue, with my rebuttals to them. Turns out I hit all the points he had and he agreed for the most part with my rebuttals. So she went forward with it. But all those types of decisions were very hard for her, the cyberknife and the surgery especially. So I understand how you are feeling. I think it helped Kelly to talk it through with me a lot and then with the surgery we went back to her oncologist and sat there while I voiced most of her worries. Cyberknife it was my email and I made another appt with the rad onc and we went back and spoke to him at length. Though in the end, it was her call and there was a level of taking a leap of faith. No easy answers.

Good luck with making the decision. I second talking to Dr West, and I'd say talk to the Dr again if you think it will help. And we'll do what we can too. :)

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