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Chest discomfort


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Pain in left chest put me in hospital in June. Determined it was not heart but that is when they found tumor in left lung. Ong story short, had cyberknife treatments and saw cancer doc. Says tumor would not cause pain. Has enyone else had similiar experience and if so what stopped it?

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First, boy am I glad they found the tumor and you were able to have Cyberknife!

Are you saying you still have chest pain? Since June? See another doctor.

Yesterday Dr. Oz said if you drink liquor it causes dialation of blood vessels. Tumors have big blood supplies! The presure on the tumor from the dialated blood vessels will cause pain. So an early sign of cancer could be pain somewhere after imbibing in alcohol.

Keep us posted.

Donna G

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I had a similar story. Had chest pain which they thought was the heart. One of the test I had was a chest x-ray where they found the spot on my lung. They told me that would not have caused the pain. Had surgery and upper left lobe removed.

Had a number of heart test since including stress, mibby, etc. No problem with the heart and they could not find the cause for the pain.

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Look, if people with tumors are having pain in the area of the tumor, how can doctors KNOW FOR SURE the tumor can't cause pain.

My situation is a little different. I had/have a malignant thickening in the chest wall at the base of my left lung. And yes, I do get pain there. The pain earlier was (they tell me) due to the fluid build-up. But I've had the pain off and on without any fluid and even when my cancer was in remission. Can't explain it. Had it bad last night. Connie, don't even tell me it's due to my one glass of red wine at night. If so, it's not so bad I can't bear it lol.

Judy in Key West

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Hey Judy, I was going to tell you to up your ONE glass of red wine to TWO glasses a night. :lol::wink: Clink, Clink, I'll have a glass with you. You'll be amazed how fast that pain can go

away! :shock::wink::lol:

Virg, I am sorry your having this pain, but for me to beable to help you best, it would be nice if you could give us a little more information. How did your cyberknife go? Are the doctor's confindent that they got your cancer. The tumor could be resting on something to cause pain if they didn't get it all. Do you know where in your lung your tumor is located? We really need to have more information to help us better understand your situation. Will be awaiting your info.

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Taken to hospital in June thinking I had heart attack. After scan said no heart damage but had found tumor in left lung while looking for blood clot. Sent to cancer center to get petscan then to surgeon in Dallas. He said could not do surgery but to go do more breathing tests (have copd) and he would check again when he got back from vacation. Went to new surgeon who said was inoperable because of location of tumor and condition of lung (would have to take all of lung and would kill me or put me on life support for rest of life). Sent to cyberknife clinic and took treatments. (recomend them highly if they work. no pain from it and no side affects). Go back in Dec to get new scan. Meantime waiting for biop results on skin sore. grrrr.

Thanks for info and advice.

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  • 4 months later...

John, so sorry you've been through the mill. I was dx'd in 2007. I was off chemo only six months since then. It's a bummer but it keeps us alive while we wait for that illusive cure. Sounds like you might want to consider a second opinion, especially if you've been having pain this long.

I don't have meso but can I suggest you look down the "Discussion Forums" list to "NSCLC and Mesothelioma." Click on it and then click "new post" towards the top. Name it anything you want and post there. I think you'll get "lost" where you posted and that will get you a better chance of a response with someone with similar experience. In the meantime, I'll try to contact a moderator of that forum and maybe they will move it.

Good luck and keep posting.


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Sorry John, you're in the right forum, Introduce Yourself, but you posted under "chest pain" which was started by Virg. The only reason I got it is because I had clicked a request to be emailed if there was a response to it. So that forum is o.k. but starting a new topic will get you more responses.


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