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Wednesday's Air


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Morning All! Want to let you know now that I'm a Fancy Farmer on facebook, I have made a rule. When I come on the computer in the AM, it's check my email first (along with reading the posts from LCSC that I get notices for), then come onsite here and read and/or post and do the Air. ALL THAT BEFORE I CAN GO MILK MY COWS AND HARVEST MY CROPS O.K.?

Now I believe my new avatar needs an explanation. It's my friend Jim who died last year. He had awesome costumes every year (my favorite is the blue fairy I'll need to scan to post for next year's Fantasy Fest week). He's here now instead of me because I couldn't find Ned's directions on how to put him on the bottom of my profile. He's here at all because I wanted to contribute an upbeat memory to Michelle's wonderful "Let's start a memory thread." Hope I got the name right, I'm really bad at that but you get the jist. The story just wouldn't work without a picture. I hoped I wouldn't come on this morning and find I was kicked off because someone considered Jim **Word not allowed** lol. Please don't. He was a wonderful kind creative if well put together guy.

I have a dentist appointment today and am dreading it. My denist used a thing last time I'd never encountered before. I think she called it a rubber dam. It walls off the part of your mouth she's working on and makes her job easier. It does not assist me in my job of staying down in the seat. I had to keep stopping her so I could sit up and stop feeling like I was going to gag. Took a .5 Ativan at 9 am and will take another at 1 pm. My husband will drive me lol.

Have a great day.

Judy in Key West

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Good morning all! Judy I did not know you knew Jim. lol. Well anyways that picture is awesome! :lol:

Well going to be the same old weather here in washington today in the 50's and rainy AGAIN!

Oh well today I have a Dr. appt and my mom gets her chest x-ray then her and I have decided we will get the umbrellas out and go walk the nature trail to get our exercise in today.

Well hope you all have a wonderful day

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Thanks for the picture explanation Judy - all I know is when I saw it it gave me a big smile!

How DID you become a "Fancy Farmer" so quickly?! Wow - I am impressed!

I have had one of those rubber dams in my mouth - I think the dentist just likes to think up new means of torture - like you I need to take an ativan before I go.

It is 48 and gray here today - I planned on painting the dining room - but I think it is too damp out - so I will just be a slug instead!! A nature walk in the rain? Wow - much more ambitious than me!

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The weather is beautiful here today bright and sunny with a cool breeze blowing. I only wish my mood could match the weather. Just too much going on inside of me today.

I hope all of you are having a bright and hopeful day. I have a full schedule today but my heart just isn't in it. Still I have taken on this party and now it is an obligation.

Take care all and please know that I really do care about all of you.

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Good morning, everyone. I hope your dentist appointment isn't too bad, Judy. It was dry here yesterday and this morning, so I rode my bike to work both days. The rain is supposed to be back tomorrow; they've already issued a flash flood watch for tomorrow morning.

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I can't for the life of me figure why anyone would want to become a dentist. Sure, dentists are needed, they provide a valuable service that improves our health and enjoyment of life, etc., etc., but to think that practically everyone who comes to see you during a typical workday does not want to be there and has been dreading the visit must be a real downer. We have a family of dentists in my wife's hometown. The patriarch was one of just a couple of dentists in town back in the old days, and as his family grew, he let it be known that they were all expected to follow in his footsteps. There are three brothers and one sister, and it's been sort of interesting to see how they've dealt with the expectation. One of the brothers put off dentistry as long as possible, and even did acupuncture for a number of years. The sister was a hygenist for a long time but eventually got out of the field and is now a pharmacist. They're all fine people and family friends, but as I say, it's been interesting. I enjoy most of my medical appointments, and find a lot of the stuff fascinating, but never a dental visit (especially the cleaning sessions). At least now I have an excuse to avoid most of them. :P


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Well, got out of bed at the insane hour of 4AM. It's 1PM now and I'm still in my pj's! Tomorrow is trash pick up so I've been going thru the filing cabinet getting rid of old files. I think my husband saved every scrap of paper going back to the 50's. At least it's giving me something to do today plus a few good laughs looking back on his grade school report cards...now I know why he never showed them to me. Not such good grades at all! And to think he grew up to be an aerospace engineer? hummm

I think I'm going to call it a day and fix myself a bloody mary and take a nice long hot bubble bath. It's cold and windy here today.

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