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Sundays Air.

eric byrne

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Good Morning/Afternoon All,

Just started my post.its 11.55am,so this will enter pm also.Weather here as yesterday,overcast but dry and warm,gave church a miss this morning.Just about to leave for Cumbernauld to visit Irene,she has Max to-day,so lots of fun to be had.

I had a really lazy day yesterday,didnt have anything planned,did have the garage to tidy up and get rid of some more accumulated junk also buy some bags of compost for my new raised planters,och well, I have all week to do these chores,we really dont want to rush into things,enjoyed my reading and TV viewing.

What a contrast you lot had for a Saturday and such a variety of events, Homecoming Football,Picasso exhibition,Regina's Rocking Event and Birthday Parties in the park,Libby, I didnt get your daughters name,I hope she really enjoyed her singing stint.Judy BA and MA,well done, take a bow,time taken is irrelevent,this is something I wish to do in four years time when I retire,and deliberately take twelve years to get them also,wonder what to take?I seem to be interested in everything under the sun.

Got to go now,have a great Sunday everyone.

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Morning All! Hope the FL weather holds like this--sixties at night (I'll probably get night temps a little higher in KW0 and 80s in the daytime. Sunshine throughout.

I woke up this mornig thinking about a falling out with a family member last night on the phone. I try very hard to let things go but sooner or later something comes along and triggers a reaction. I know better but there are people you just can't resolve things with. It's all about them and they never take responsibility for their part in relationships events. I've learned that about this person years ago so don't even try anymore. Now I feel guilty for my blow-up yesterday. I really don't need this right now.

The party was great. 15 or more kids just running and playing in the park. Grownups under a pavilion with the food and a nice breeze. My wonderful daughter gave us prior permission to come and leave whenever we wanted. Glad we didn't try to stay til the end. They didn't break up until deep dark when the mosquitoes ran them off.

Today I'll go over to Wendy's and hook up Dominick's new all-in-one printer we got him. That's a school necessity gift but he's thrilled with the leather jacket we got him. I should say paid for. At this age they have to pick things out for themselves lol.

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning and afternoon to Eric,

Another beautiful day today in Green Bay. All ready in the 70's I think today is the last of the 70's. Eric my daughters name is Megan (i will put up picture of me and her eventually) she did wonderful at her singing gig at homecoming game. We lost 7 to 21, not the end of the world :lol:

Judy I am glad you enjoyed the party, kids are wonderful and they always make us feel good being around them. Everyone always has a family member that is unreasonable!!!!! Dont make yourself sick over it, it is not worth it.

Going to decorate outside for Halloween today. Everyone enjoy the rest of thier weekend.


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Hey Libby, hope your temps hold for a little while. My favorite sister/cousin was packing for a vaca trip to WI when I talked to her yesterday. They aren't leaving until next Friday. My husband spent a lot of time there working years ago and says it's beautiful. Hope we get to go there sometime just for fun.

Judy in KW

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Hi everyone,

What a nice newsy weekend on your parts! I missed out. Was busy yesterday with chores, and then went to a friends house for the Michigan/Michigan State Football game. Famous rivalry, and of course the good guys, MSU slaughtered Michigan U. Yeah! Was especially fun because we were the only State fans there, and everyone else wanted Michigan to win. Not! Anyway, good food, some drinks and great friends.

Today was church, and then I had a 5 hour meeting with the leadership team. Oy! Too long of a time to meet, and on one of the last few suny warm days we'll see for about five months! It got up to 77 today. That is rare around here in October.

Sounds like everyone had a fun weekend, and that is nice to see. I'm going to go chill with my puppy and play some fetch and cuddle with her.

See ya all around tomorrow!

MI Judy

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