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Just checkin' in and alittle venting about life in general


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Hello everyone..

sorry I have been away from the forums for soo long, but I needed a break and of course life intruded as always. My youngest daughter moved out back in June and her SS death benefits from her father became hers to handle when she turned 18 in june and that went with her so we have been struggling to get all the bills paid and everyone employed. Also about that time my ex-husband, mike (not to be confused with my deceased husband Mike) needed a new place to live so we (my oldest son and I ) drove up to arknsas and brought him back to live with us. He has a temp job with a temporary agency and has been waiting on a job to come through. My oldest daughter and her fiancee (who live with me ) finally have a date for orientation with a security firm next week, so hopefully by the beginning of the new year the finance situation will be some what better. Lord knows, we need the help. If it weren't for his intervention and a very understanding landlord, I would be typing this from under a bridge somewhere (and that would be feat in and of itself as I only have a desktop system, lol)

I had to apply for food stamps which is such a chore. and then jump through their hoops to keep them...Now I have to go back in and reapply and recertify as my six months are up. Remember I live in the state that has to answer a lawsuit against it for not maintaining the time frames required by the federal gov. for giving out food stamps. The health and human resources people managing this particular program are not very easy to deal with without lousing your cool. They make it extremely difficult to get the assistance that you need.

I have been fighting with my Car finance company as well and have been trying to get them to refinance my car and get lower payments since I got put on disability back in 2008 and they have finally done so. Just waiting on the paperwork to come in now. That will be a big help. Then I have to dig up the funds to get the darned car looked at as it is acting funny ....lol, never fails...you get good news and then something shows it's nasty little head to take all the wind out of your sails. But thats okay me and God will figure something out.

I also received a booklet (spiral bound) that I requested from CancerCare. It is a resource guide, I requested the one for financial assistance. It was free and it is chock full of resources listed by state. Just imaging my surprise to find that there is not one , nope not one listed for the dallas area. nor does the biggest state in the 48 contiguous states have any programs to help and the ones that do in this state are area or cancer type specific. Talk about being ashamed of where I live. Sure makes you wonder...but I have not lost my faith in myself and God and some how we make it work...just takes a little time. But it has sure given me some ideas.

AS far as the cancer front, they have moved my scans out to every 4 months now, and at the last one in SEpt. Everything was the same with no change. Which I am very thankful for. This Oct. was 24 months post chemo (did the happy dance) and am not quite so nervous for the next ones the first of the new year. My pc put me on low dose amitriptyline to help with my migraines and it seems to be working, have only had two very mild ones since I started taking it, another thing I am thankful for.

I am sorry this is so long and I promise to be here more. I have been keeping up with those of you who are on FaceBook that way. I am also using Yahoo messenger again, for anyone who wants to chat. Since I can pull it up anytime I am on-line it makes it easier to chat if I am not on this site at a given time.

I still check here for chat requests several times a day. BUt on Yahoo if I am listed in your friends on yahoo, it just pops up on my computer screen when you come on messenger. So I am there if you need to talk or would just like to shoot the breeze.

I have missed you all!!

Love ya', everyone one of you


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Hey Dawn,

Nice to see you back, and to get an update on you. Yeah life has a way of giving and taking away doesn't it? I'm with you on the Faith front. Without that I'm not sure I'd still be here. But somehow He always gives me the things I need to endure the tough stuff in this world.

I hope everything works out, and I'm sure it will with the faith that you have.

Come on more often! We miss you.

Judy in MI

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Good Morning Dawn,

I hope it dosnt take six months in you getting round to read this LOL.Unexpected day off today,woke up to 5 inches of snow outside,shovels out at six am this morning to try to clear my drive and the road in front of my house but its a waste of time,the only vehicles that could move in my street are 4 wheel drives,I live at the bottom of a long cul-de-sac.Airdrie station is about one and a half uphill miles from my house,and not being Bud,I dont have the fitness for that kind of a walk in the snow to get to my work.

Dawn I actually wrote you a rather long reply to this post last night just before going to bed,I pressed the preview button to re-read what I had written,and for the second time yesterday the post just vanished?.Oh was I annoyed,I just hadnt the energy to start all over again,it was about midnight and I had work the next day.Do you think God has arranged it to give me some additional time to reply to you now?.

I think it is just as well the post did vanish,I really did have a go at your political system that allows your situation to exist.I think I would have been given a lifetime ban from visiting America if any government official had read my post.I am much calmer now,my choice of words now will be more measured.

Dawn, I really found your post most upsetting,we in the UK owe a debt of gratitude to our forefathers who fought a long and arduous battle to bring about the modern welfare system we have to-day.I really hope your fellow Americans will one day will "see the light"to bring about social reforms that are long overdue, the measure of any great nation should always be how it treats the least of its citizens.Its great to hear at least health wise you are doing well.God Bless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had much computer time sense I left home in November but I do want to say how sorry I am that so much has gone wrong for you Dawn I know how it feels when life seems to gang up on you all at once.

Eric I am afraid that our system will continue to do harm to many needy people. Politicians are more interested in bashing one another than helping the people who are so desperate. Unfortunately ( sorry Katie and the rest of you Texans) Texas is a true Southern state. They are still fighting the civil war as far as trying to prove that their way is better than the federal government's way. Having lived in Louisiana for 32 years and visiting here every year I know that much of it is based on those old pre Civil War ideas. You must be familiar with the old saying " cutting off you nose to spite your face". Not sure if Texas did but Louisiana refused the federal stimulas money. It seems they would rather rob higher education and family health than agree with any thing our President was behind.

Sorry didn't mean to get politcal but I think your situation really stinks Dawn and unfortunately you are not alone. I just hope things turn around for you soon.

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I haven't had much computer time sense I left home in November but I do want to say how sorry I am that so much has gone wrong for you Dawn I know how it feels when life seems to gang up on you all at once.

Eric I am afraid that our system will continue to do harm to many needy people. Politicians are more interested in bashing one another than helping the people who are so desperate. Unfortunately ( sorry Katie and the rest of you Texans) Texas is a true Southern state. They are still fighting the civil war as far as trying to prove that their way is better than the federal government's way. Having lived in Louisiana for 32 years and visiting here every year I know that much of it is based on those old pre Civil War ideas. You must be familiar with the old saying " cutting off you nose to spite your face". Not sure if Texas did but Louisiana refused the federal stimulas money. It seems they would rather rob higher education and family health than agree with any thing our President was behind.

Sorry didn't mean to get politcal but I think your situation really stinks Dawn and unfortunately you are not alone. I just hope things turn around for you soon.

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