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My little Christmas miracle


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The first picture is one my birds at 4 months old. It should have been fully grown,feathered and flying. The parents had abandoned it. I was going to put it out of its misery because I thought it would never survive or develop normally. My wife persuaded me to handfeed it and see what happens. Today it is fully grown,feathered and flys like a normal pigeon. The only problem is, it would rather be with my wife and dog than with the other pigeons. That is her with my wife and dog in the 2nd picture. Needless to say,she is our favorite bird.



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Great job Mike. She turned out to be a beautiful bird. When hand feeding her what did you use for pigeon milk? I had feeder pairs that I would put babies under if the babies were about the same age. I used the feeder pairs to feed babies from some of my best breeders (those that raised really fast birds) which forced the good pairs to lay again when I took their eggs or babies for the feeders to raise. But I had about 20+ breeding pairs so had many options.


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Hi Fred. I had no feeder pair available at the time so I had no choice but to handfeed. I just used small grain like milo and wheat and would give her a little regular milk out of a dropper. My birds are homers but I think they would do horrible in a race. If I was younger and circumstances were differant I would love to built a new loft and get some good quality racing homers. But I get a lot of enjoyment just loft flying them. The hawks are horrible here in Nebraska right now and Im about half afraid to even let them out for their daily fly. I hope your health problems have resolved and you and Kasey had a Happy Christmas.

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Hi Mike, I was just thinking about you the other night. I knew you'd pop up sooner or later. What a beautiful bird she grew to be. I tried hand-feeding birds and bunnies years ago but obviously didn't know what I was doing and it never worked. I am really impressed. Love that it's friends with your wife and the dog. After all, she did talk you into trying to save it. lol

Hi Fred. Say hi to Kasey. Hope you are both in good health.

Happy holidays.

Judy in KW

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I feed the wild birds and the hawks are bad here as well. They are so bold they sit on top of the feeders waiting for the birds. I let Teddy out, our big mutt of a dog, as he loves to chase them.

When I had my racing loft, hawks were always a problem. They seemed to always get my best racers. I guess the fast pigeons were not the smartest :( .

Hi Judy,

We are both doing well. Thanks for asking. Had a great Christmas with our kids and grandkids. I always check the site so I'm keeping up to date with all of you. You and all that fight this disease are always in our thoughts and prayers.


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