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Ne'erDay Air

eric byrne

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Happy New Year Everyone,

Well its not exactly the crack of dawn here its 11.20am,weather outside 6 degrees C,cloudy bright,the street is dead,no signs of life,well parties here do go on until daybreak.Well I hope you all had a enjoyable Hogmanay,well I have to say,that was my quietest as far as I can remember,UK TV main channels give Scotland the pleasure of hosting the Nations party(s)usually one screened in Edinburgh the other in Glasgow,massive street party in both cities,so we get snippets of both sites,mainly though TV focuses on a studio set ceiligh,full of traditional Scottish tunes and songs,oh the nostalgia of times past,memories of passed relatives and friends brought back to mind,usually foremost, times when we shared with them at the same occassion.

Years ago,Aunt Francis's large house was used for the Hogmanay/New Year party,(I bought that house years later)so many people would turn up,they would remove the doors throughout the house to provide easier access to everyone,no dont be silly that didnt include the toilet or bathroom doors (sorry not sure what Americans call these rooms-rest rooms?)Anyway in the large lounge there was a piano,always someone could play well and an accordian player always popular instruments at a party,everyone was expected to do a party piece,poem or song.Traditional dancing to boot,Gay Gordons eg,(that was before they came out the closet)Loved the Dashing White Sergeant,no I am not Gay,its a dance,particularly funny when tried after a few wee drinkies.

Well normally,to-day we would have Betty and George to dinner,home made soup made to include a ham hough as it was cooking to add to the flavour,when cooked, the meat would be picked off the bone and into the soup,that is if Eric didnt intervene first,and have a sneaky nibble or two.Main course always Steak Pie,Potatoes,Peas and Brussel Sprouts,to finish usually light pudding Pavlova,or lemon meringue pie.

Jennifer cannot be with us to-day,but we are going to have our traditional dinner with her and Chris to-morrow.jennifer is a bit of a pest by being a total veggie,so veggie main dish to prepare,even the sauce/gravy has got to be veggie type,she is bringing that herself since we couldnt find it in Morrisons yesterday.Anyway another lazy day for me to-day,nothing planned at all,enjoy it when you can,I always think.Well whatever your plans are for to-day,have a great one.Bye.

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Morning All! I want to do a great big Happy New Year to all but I'm feeling a little deflated having read Stephanie's post from yesterday. Honey, I know you'll make the most of this next week. Here's hoping the triplet will knock the socks off that something.

Eric, our TV here does the same thing but with live performances from people in the music industry some of whom I don't even recognize anymore lol. Didn't watch it. Party animals that we have become, we went to one party and then on to a smaller gathering, both in the neighborhood. Home by 9:30 lol. I had to stay up til 10:30 to take my Tarceva but was in bed by eleven. Couldn't get right to sleep again and saw the clock at 11:50. Thought briefly about getting up and watching the ball drop but thought better of it. I'd be up all night then. Last thing I remember was hearing fireworks go off in the neighborhood. That was enough for me.

NY's resolution (besides starting my exercise again) is to update my profile. Last one was the Spring of last year!

Have a great day everyone.

Judy in KW

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Good morning all,

Hope no one is hung-over, watch for those poles. Nothing going on today going to just hang around like Eric is doing. Eric I hope I don't need you to bring that Hoover over today:(

Judy we went no where last night and I was feeling kind of blue and went to bed by 10:30 pm. I need to get off my soap box. I pick up my daughter today that should cheer me up.

Eric, here we call them bathrooms and if you are out you ask where the restrooms are. So I think we have the same names. Imagine that :lol:

Bud I like your New Years resolution and yes you are correct if it turns out to be a chore it will never last. Humm hope my exercise lasts. I went yesterday and everything hurts today...lol

Have a great day.

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11:00 here, and just up! We did go to a party near by, but I was a good girl. Hubby said he'd be good so I could party, but I just don't like feeling so hung over in the morning, so only had a couple drinks.

The food was fabulous! It was a cajun theme food party and oh my was it delicious! Played some fun games, and watched the ball drop at midnight on TV. New York City obviously does it up the best here in the USA. I'm with you Judy, I don't know who these young entertainers are either. I picked up a people magazine when we were on vacation, and I might as well have been reading a novel, for I didn't know any of the stars they write about!

I'm sore today. The party was mostly standing, and I don't do well with that with my bad feet. So today will be a couch day, books, newspapers, etc. Oh yeah, Capital One bowl game at 1:00, in Florida. We've got to watch our Michigan State Spartans kick some butt. I love College football, so will be getting my fill of that today!

So I wish you all a good 1/1/11!!!!!

MI Judy

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Hey folks

Warm, -16C, and snowing here today. The temperatures are warmer than normal but with it comes snow. Seem's like every second day I'm starting up the tractor to clear snow.

I'm with you on these new entertainers. I read about some singer I never heard of that is going to jail or losing a multi million dollar mansion. I guess one song now can make you set for life. And I'm not sure about wearing the dark sunglasses all the time even indoors. Oh well.

I did go to a New Year's eve party last night with the neighbors. There was alot of farmer's, rancher's and cowboy's there so I thought it would be a pretty good party with a live band. But it was pretty quiet. I was a good boy too JUDY MI and no headache this morning. LOL

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Yikes! Did not mean to deflate the new year for anyone. Happy New Year to all.

We saw True Grit last night - a little slow, beautifully photographed, good soundtrack, well acted.

Yesterday and today - very cold, frost on the ground, but blue sky and Mt. Rainier, the Cascades, and the Olympics glorious in their fresh coats of snow.

Was just about in bed last night when I heard the local fire crackers going. So a quick happy new year and then to sleep. Snuggled under the covers this morning with the little cat and a book. Finally got up to make a coffee, gussied up with some of the mexican chocolate. Keeping life sweet.

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Oh Stephanie, no problem. My fault for not reading yesterday. And it was a temporary deflate. I know you are a tough cookie. Sounds like you had a lovely day.

Libby, I've had my share of bummer NY Eves but nothing like time with our kids to pick us up. Rule #2 for successful exercise: Start slow and easy. If not, you get all sore and don't want to do it again.

Oh Judy, I do not think you are enjoying the games my husband had on. Two MI games and both teams losing, ouch.

Eric, don't be name dropping with that "dyson." Very elite pricey vacuum here. Watching the commercials on TV almost makes me want to do my own vacuuming again. The operative word is "almost." lol

Bruce, here in the states with all our awful reality shows, she only need to be a bit@h with big boobs and you are a star. Don't get me going. You just never know with those cowboys and rancers, huh. I would have thought it would be a little wild too. We've probably seen too many Western movies.

O.k., I'm a slug today and I was good last night too. Go figure.

Have a great evening.

Judy in KW

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Hi Judy,

Sorry about the Dyson remark,twas only in jest,although Dyson was the first manufacturer here to use the bagless technology,so I bought one,then another later,really all the manufacturers here have taken up Dysons lead,and are now producing equivilent quality machines,price differences,well comparing models like for like probably only marginal ,so owning a Dyson wont cut much ice with the neighbours,in the showing off stakes.Really surprised they are regarded differently in the States?.

Did I mention I have a Bently and a Rolls Royce in my garage,I only use them alternatively on Sundays going to church,otherwise I just drive my Ford Fiesta to work week days,cannot stand show offs myself.

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Hi Judy,

Its just gone 1.35 am,I went to bed early,bored with TV,but couldnt sleep,so been at the laptop,for a couple of hours playing chess and minesweeper,I wont be buying another Dyson though,he moved all his factories abroad,think the far east,because of lower labour costs,loads of factory workers thrown on the dole,you probably know I am a bit left of centre in the political arena,so if I lived in America I would be a Democrat,mind you even their progress is a bit on the slow side for my liking,well you gotta start playing fair somewhere with the ordinary people.Please forgive my rumblings,would you believe I have had couple of Jack Daniels to-night,Jennifer left me a bottle over Christmas,not really Whyte and Mackays quality, mind you but it has its merits.Do you think I can be breathilised and charged by the police,for being enebriated in charge of a laptop?.Think I have lost my ability to spell Korrectly.Please forgive,it is the festive season,see you to-morrow,lots of love.Byee.

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Well it's 10:00PM here. What a rotten day of football. Loved the TCU won over Wisconsin. Love to root for the underdog. But both Michigan teams lost horribly. I followed MSU all year (my alma mater) and just couldn't believe how badly they played. U of M is always a big hit, and they were as horrible as MSU. Ack! I love college football, but today was a bust!

As far as your Dyson, Eric, I have what is called a Rainbow here. It was very expensive when I bought it, but I've had it for about 15 years and it still is doing a fabulous job for me, so I think I got my money's worth. Dyson is also considered a very expensive vacuum here.

Think I suffered today from too much rich and cajun food yesterday. Tummy was on the fritz all day. Finally chewed a couple of Tums and hoping it is going to settle down for the night.

Thankful for another slow day tomorrow. Have about 80 people coming over this coming Friday and want to rest up before that crazy time!

Good night. Sleep well.

MI Judy

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