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Cathy from Hawaii: My dad's story...

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Hi all

Well, we got the results back from dad's bloodwork and CT scan and met with the doctor last Friday. His bloodwork is almost back to pre-chemo levels. Doc said that although the tumors hadn't shrunk quite as much as he had hoped, the main tumor HAS shrunk a little bit, and there was no evidence of any new lesions, and the ones that are there have not gotten bigger. My dad said that's all he was praying for, and he was SO happy with the news. Physically, he's feeling great. He is even getting his sense of taste back. When this all started, he couldn't even smell coffee without getting sick. Now, he's drinking two cups a day and loving it. His weight and blood pressure have stabilized, and the only lingering problem he has is a nagging cough, but I guess that's the only way to get rid of all the "yucky stuff" in his chest.

Now, we proceed to the next step. Dad goes in for full-dose chemo on Thursday, so I just downloaded a new book to my Kindle to occupy myself while I sit there for 5 hours (Johnny Wier, the ever-so-colorful figure skater. Should be an interesting read!)  He goes back for his second dose on April 21st. A couple of weeks after that he will get another CT scan and bloodwork done. Then the doctor will just follow his progress every 3-4 months. I asked if he would get another PET scan done, and he said probably not because it would be near impossible to differentiate between cancer activity and the radiation which is still going through his body. Makes sense...

Thank you all, again for your support and encouragement. Eric - there are hundreds of stories on here, so I don't expect everyone to follow every story. Just the fact that you stop by to give your support means the world to me. And you two Judy's are just precious! I always smile when I read your posts. :D


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Sounds as though things are going very well - as Judy said, stable is good. I remember when I was having treatment and was down to my last two high dose chemos - was so happy just to see the light at the end of the tunnel that they seemed like a breeze.

Wishing your Dad the best. Enjoy your book!


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Aw Shucks Cathy,thanks for your comment,you brought a tear to my eye(I am such a big softy)Hope you Dads Chemo on Thursday works a treat and all his subsequent treatments kicks all the cancer cells into touch for good.Enjoy the read.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all!

Oh my goodness! I just realized I never came back here to update you all on my dad's progress. So sorry... I think his "chemo brain" has rubbed off on me a bit.

Dad met with his radiologist in early May, and doc said that he was doing as well as can be expected, and he directed that comment to me in a very reassuring tone, which made me feel good. I know that this cancer is most likely incurable, and we're just buying him more time, but it was nice to hear, anyway. He said no more radiation in the forseeable future, and wants to see him again in August. He also had his final CT scan and checkup with his oncologist on May 20th. Doc said that everything looked about the same as the last one a couple of months before: stable, with no new lesions, and that he'd just check up on him every couple of months to see how he's doing. One slightly disturbing thing was his weight: Since treatment began in January, he's gone from 162 to 145 lbs! He said he can't imagine why he'd lost almost 10 pounds since the beginning of May because he was "eating like a horse". He felt fine, though. Doc told him to come back in July and to try to gain some weight back.

Well... I just checked with him 2 days ago and he said he's back up to 157 lbs.!! He was ecstatic! His scale and the doc's scale are within 1/2 lb. of each other. Just one downside... bugger is completely bald up top now. :lol: (Sorry, I probably shouldn't laugh because I'd be devastated if it were me...) We're all so used to seeing him 90% bald anyway, but this extra 10% just looks so different. My nephew told him, "That's okay, Grandpa; I still love you, even if you're bald." (Uh, child... did you not notice the baldness before all this?) Oh, and he has bald knees, too! Little bit of hair on his chest... and I didn't ask about anything else. :oops:

So, I guess he's doing as well as can be expected. I feel like now is the time for me to take a break and do something fun for me, now that I know he's stabilized. I'm taking myself to Las Vegas in September. Yes... MYSELF! I want to go where I want, when I want. I'm not a gambler, but I love music so I'm going to 4 shows: Barry Manilow, Human Nature (Australian group who sings Motown songs); The Australian Bee Gees (a tribute group), and... Donny and Marie!! I've loved them since I was 10, and still have a book about them I bought at a book fair in the 5th grade that I'm going to bring for them to autograph. Oh, I didn't mention that I'm getting the VIP ticket, which lets you sit right up front and then meet them afterward. I'm so stoked! :D

Anyway, that's all for now. I can't believe it's been 6 months since all of this started. I thank all of you so much for sharing your experiences, and for all of your support and encouragement.

Love to you all-


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That all sounds excellent. Both cancer itself and chemo seem to contribute to weight loss in some patients. I've lost about 25 pounds since this all started despite the gallons of ice cream consumed. I could afford that loss and it has been gradually enough to not be a big issue. I just hope I can keep it off - things have been stable this year (well, up and down depending where I was in my chemo cycle.) Without chemo making me sick for a week, no more yoyo weight.

Las Vegas? Okay. Lots of good restaurants there too, if you are interested. Have fun. And let us know how you and your Dad are doing over the summer.

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Kathy, terrific news about your Dad. Stable is very good in this journey. So glad to hear you taking time for you. It's important for the caretakers. You can't take care of someone else if you don't take care of you.

Judy in KW

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Hi Cathy,

Thank you for the upbeat report of your Dads progress,its so good to hear.Please keep 'em coming.Great idea you doing a solo to Las Vegas,freedom to do your own thing is just wonderful,I am doing exactly the same,sorry I will miss Las Vegas,maybe next year?.VIP tickets to see Donnie and Marie to boot?dont forget the camera and post in the pics please.Enjoy youself,you certainly deserve to,please pass on to your dad my best wishes.How about getting him to post in during your absence,I am sure we would all enjoy that.

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