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Sunday's Air


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Hi everyone. I don't remember if I've ever opened the windows and let the air in before or not. It's 63 and beautiful here in North Carolina this morning. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. I'm really looking forward to this coming weekend in Washington DC.


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Good morning Paulette and everyone,

I am looking forward to next weekend too.

It has been an interesting 24 hours around here - all nephew related and grandmother who appears to have lost her mind. I am waiting for my daughter to call so I can go and meet them for lunch - get to see the grandbabies for a little while. Kinda throws dinner plans into the wind but I'll figure it out - who wants to peel potatoes for a roast....volunteers.....

Anyway - I better get the laundry going. Check in later,


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Good afternoon, everyone. We had lots of rain yesterday afternoon. Partly cloudy with an expected high of 84 today.

Paulette, I loved your other post (can't remember the title) this morning. Am sending it to my cousin.

Annette, I don't know how you do it either. And we have 3 sons. (None were ever in trouble with the law, however, so that made it a lot easier.) I assume that you aren't reporting some of his behaviors because of the fear that he would end up in juvenile detention (or whatever it's called) and would come of that in much worse shape than when he went in. I really don't know what I'd do in your situation. I admire you.

Where is everyone??????????????


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Good Evening Everyone,

Muriel,you are so right,where has everyone gone?looked at yesterday's Air,not a single reply?Oh Judy KW,can I explain my absence yesterday,I was sitting here at my laptop,just about to post in,when I heard the Opening Anthem on TV downstairs for the European Song Contest,think this started in 1957,and do you know I am such a fan,I dont think I have missed a single one in all that time,so laptop off,sorry must go.This competition has come in for a bit of critism since the Eastern Bloc countries have joined including Russia,they all tend to cast their votes for each other rather than the merits of the actual songs performed,grrr.Well they are new to democracy so maybe things will change with time.We watched a TV prog last week which claimed this contest was instrumental in bringing about Peristroika?and the bringing down of the Berlin wall,since East Germany would jam the signals from the West beaming the prog into the Eastern block countries,when all their populations wanted to see it.Would you believe Celin Dion sang in it years ago before she was discovered,representing Switzerland would you believe,also ABBA sang Waterloo in it and won to become world famous.UK in the sixities were always winning it,unfortunately we dont get a look in now.Germany won it last year so were hosts,Azerbysjan? won it,see what I mean,but overall the quality of the songs and performances made a great night's TV.

Lazy day today,went to church,Ross (the minister) gets his first chemo on Tuesday,I wish him well,that everything goes to plan,and side effects are minimal.On the interview panel at Roy Castle early tomorrow morning.Saturday's competition couldnt have gone smoother,everyone really enjoyed themselves,prizes donated by the different sponsers this year,despite the economic downturn were the best ever,everyone went home with something.I have been made a lifelong honorary member of the Lecturers Professional Association,seems I dont have to pay my subscription any more and can drive my cattle through the streets of Glasgow to graze them on Glasgow Green,I may have confused that one with getting the Freedom of the City of Glasgow?.Goodnight everyone enjoy what is left of the weekend.

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Freak, Frack. Wrote a nice newsy post and hit enter to go to the next paragraph, and poof! It was gone. Not going to try to re-write it. It was not that fascinating anyways. LOL

Hope you all are having a good day. We ran errands all day and I'm about to settle down to watch the last part of the Players Championship. Perfect Sunday late afternoon entertainment for me.

Getting ready for my travel plans for next weekend too. Fun.

Judy in MI

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