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Glasgow is Philadelphia

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Hi Everyone,

Yes its me-again,I went into Glasgow today to watch the last of the filming of Brad Pitts movie World War Z.Due to Tax breaks,Glasgow was used as a substitute for Philadelphia.

Sorry I didnt capture the Star or any of the action scenes,it was raining and I did wait around for sometime for filming to begin,but patience is not one of my virtues,so I went home.

http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set= ... 446&type=1

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Batman is also being filmed in my hometown, Pittsburgh. My family has commented about seeing the batmobile around the city. I know they filmed in our football stadium for like 8 hours, in blistering heat, and the extras has to wear clothing like it was winter. That's some batman dedication.

I have spent a lot of time in Philly. So now, can I also say I've spent a lot of time in Glasgow? Hmmmm, something tells me I'd still rather actually see Glasgow in person.

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Hi Cat127,

Batmans gone to Pittsburg?,I had read a report in our local press some weeks ago,the producers were scouring locations for their new Batman film,the story went, Glasgow was they place they decided would make the perfect Gotham City,and would begin filming here in the near future?.

Possibly a change of heart? I dont know,I have not read anything to the contrary,until you mentioned Pittsburg,unless they still intend to shoot some scenes here also?.

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I think he started out with us maybe? I checked http://www.imdb.com (my resource for all things movie) and there is a good long list of locations. I think they are gone from Pittsburgh by now. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1345836/locations

Yep, searched a bit more and he's left the city. :) Here are some shots from my hometown though. He must be on his way over the Atlantic now.

http://boringpittsburgh.com/hollywood/b ... and-props/

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Hi Cat127,

At the risk of becoming a bit of a bore of the subject of filming in Glasgow,tonights Evening Times reports that Glasgow will now double for San Francisco,in a movie called Cloud Atlas,based on the best selling book of the same name by British writer David Mitchell,filming begins at the end of the month in Glasgow's Merchant City,it stars include Halle Berry,Tom Hanks,Natalie Portman,Scot James McAvoy and Susan Saradon.

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Oh I like the sound of that cast!! I'll have to keep track of its progress on imdb.com :)

I love when movies film in my hometown. I follow all the gossip on line. :) Emma Watson finished filming a movie in Pittsburgh this summer and they filmed a scene for it at the movie theatre at the end of my street. They said she was so very nice and friendly and hung around talking to the locals. On TV recently she was raving about how much she loved the city and how nice people were. Jake Gyllenhall filmed a movie there a year ago and he too raved about how much he loved the city. A lot of people don't know what a great town it is, so it is nice when Hollywood folks say kind things.

Maggie Gyllenhall has been filming a movie in Pittsburgh too and my brother-in-law spent two days filming as an extra. Can't wait to see if he ends up on the cutting room floor.

Yeah - the name of that website cracks me up. When I first found it I was all ready to be offended, thinking it was someone making fun of my hometown. Now I love checking it out periodically.

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