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Busy week


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Since i was changed to Carboplatin, alimta and Keytruda i actually had ro leave the house 4 times this week. Monday was just a meeting with the NP to go over the chemo, side effects, etc. Tuesday they installed my port. That went relatively smoothly. Wednesday, I had a pleurex catheter installed. They drained a liter and said I should drain it every 2 days based on volume. Of course snow hit on the way home and my 15 minute drive took an hour and I really hurt by the time I got home. They did let my husband sit with me for both procedures. Thursday I was contacted by the pulmonologist office to schedule my follow up and was told the home health company would contact me. Friday I saw my onc and he asks if I have any questions. Um, yeah. What am I supposed to do with this catheter? I had no service during chemo so I couldn't follow up. Long story short, home health said Tuesday or Wednesday when they called TODAY. I believe it will be Monday. We are supposed to get a big snowstorm sometime Monday into Tuesday and I want it dealt with by then.

The chemo itself went ok. Good thing I had miralax and stool softeners (part of a care page from a pediatric oncology nurse friend). I'm tired, a little nausea. Took a pill at the first sign but won't make Lexiecats mistake. 

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LOL, that's me--the bad example for everyone not to follow. :)  If you take the anti nausea ONLY when you start to feel icky, and take some Miralax those same days, just to be on the safe side, you should be OK.

Yeah, the weather's making me leery with the medical stuff I've got going on, too. 

I've never had a catheter (other than RIGHT after surgery), so can't advise you on that, but I'm glad the port installation went smoothly. You will be SO happy with the port. 

For me, the triplet wasn't so bad. Not fun, and it had its down sides, but overall not terrible. And it will get better when you can ditch the Carbo.

Hang in there!!

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