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Bits and Pieces


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I haven't been on much over the weekend, that "Mom" job keeps me hoppin' and hubby and I keep a HoneyDo list together that we are whittling down to sell our house and MOVE (a big goal for the year). ..and then there's those issues you and I discussed last week that just NEVER go away..

That being said, I don't LIKE your "blue phase"...I don't want you sending Gay your ear, gift-wrapped and all fancy...

I wish you sunshine, opportunity and the strength to grasp it, my friend. Take life by the bal--, er, I mean, by the HAND and live it. Tell me what I can do to make your journey easier - if it's make the sun shine in California, I'll call my friends out there and tell 'em to STOP WASHING THEIR CARS! Anything for you, just name it. New suspenders to hitch yer drawers up to "business" height? Flame decals for your scooter? A naughty joke sent PM to give you a belly laugh?? A phone call every now and then for a different voice in your "prison"?? Let me know, I'm here!


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Please don't think that by taking pain meds you're conceding anything, or losing anything.

I have to take serious pain meds just to get about day to day (morphine). I drive, I work, I take care of what I have to.

Pain is not the enemy, nor is it my friend. it just is.

and today living with pain is unnecessary.

So go for the relief!! and live with minimal pain, and enjoy what you have..



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