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I'm a 71 yr o;d male, diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in Aug of 2023. The cancer was in my stomach and lung. I am a Vietnam Veteran and this is my 3rd go round with a presumptive Agent Orange Disease.  Type 2 Diabetes, Prostrate Cancer, now Lung Cancer.  I'm going to start my second round of chemo.  The first round appeared to have shrunk the tumors.  After 4 chemo and immunotherapy sessions, I went to just Immunotherapy.  The CT scans showed that the lymph nodes in my lung were growing so a biopsy was done and cancer was confirmed.  I will be given docetaxel and ramucirumab on the second round.  I was just wondering how everyone faired after the second round of therapy.  

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Welcome to our forums Mscott and sorry you need to be here.  I know you'll be hearing from others who have had similar experience and treatments soon, but I wanted to say "hi" and share some information with you.  In my case my treatment was surgical without adjuvant chemo so I can't speak to the treatment from experience but here is some info that may help you on your journey:

  1. Learning and understanding this disease, diagnosis and treatments is an important element of survival.  You can find our "Lung Cancer 101"  here.
  2. Please read "10 Steps to Surviving Lung Cancer; From a Survivor" it was written by a member first diagnosed at Stage 3 then Stage 4 Lung Cancer over 18 years ago.
  3. We also have a forum for "US Veterans" where you can discuss issues specific to vets like yourself (and before I go on, Thank You for your service).
  4. There is a forum that covers "Chemotherapy"  and that may also help you in better understanding those treatments.

Please stick around, there is a lot of experience, knowledge, and support here.  



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We share two experiences: Vietnam and lung cancer. Fighting small cell lung cancer is like finding Charlie in a Vietnam village. He's hard to find and harder to fight. But immunotherapy is a new godsend and so many have benefited from this new therapy. I hope you are included in that population.

Stay the course.


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