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My bucket list journey

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I think I had stopped posting before this happened (on advice from a lawyer) but it might be interesting for some of y'all 

I was sitting in my OSU recliner in late 21 and had an epiphany. I could stay in that fine recliner, get fat, and just wait or I could do something different. When I say I...my wife is included.

So we sat down and developed a bucket list. It included a bunch of stuff we both desired. First sell our much to big (with the boys gone) house. Buy my most desired car (CT6-V. Check it out if you like cars) and travel. We decided on starting with a cruise to Alaska to see how well I did. Went with some dear friends (one had LC also and has sense past) and had a fine time. I didn't do all the excursions, but my wife did and had a blast.

After that, we decided on a slow trip across the US starting in Washington. Made plans to meet up with friends along the way. Even had lunch with old friends from Seattle at the Mackinaw bridge in the UP of Michigan. We ended in Brooklyn New York where my wifes sister lives. Had my pup Mac with us for the drive.

Then we caught the QE2 in Brooklyn and sailed to South Hampton UK. 7 day journey which was fantastic. Had the widow of my second dad join us for the trip. It was magical.

Then we spent 3 months taking the train around Europe. From Rotterdam to Barcelona and two stops in France. It was a great trip but I learned that Europe is more divided than even the US. Any desire to retire there quickly dissolved. My two favorite visits were to a WW1 battle site in northern france and Normandy. The cemetery"s were very moving places. Tor du Hoc (sp) was astonishing. My parents generation were an incredible group to have accomplished what they did. Also very special was meeting up with a large group of friends from Longview in Paris for a fun night of food, drink and chat.

We then spent the last 3 weeks in England. Being Scottish we had to visit Edinburgh. I highly recommend it if you get a chance. The castle is the best we saw by far. Also, the war room exhibt in London was incredible and wore me out so much I had to rest for two days. We were joined by a special couple. The wife had just survived a breast cancer scare (when we set it up we didn't know if it was a recurrence yet) that turned out to be begnin. What a great week of celebration.

We had such a grand time on the QE2 coming from the US we decided to take it back home. In November. Across the North Atlantic! It was an exhilarating rough trip and I was very pleased to find I do not get sea sick.

Upon arrival back in Brooklyn I decided to drive straight back to Washington. My wife stayed with her sister for a few days and then flew home. It was the perfect end of the adventure for me. Alone in my bucket list Caddy driving as long and as fast as I wished. I enjoyed it immensely.

I can now claim to have traveled from Alaska to Barcelona and back without ever stepping on an airplane!

We did spend a bunch of my kids inheritance but I wouldn't do it any different. Sorry for the long post.


PS This post does not do justice to the trip. So many stories. So many memories. I have only one thing left on my bucket list. To watch the Lions in the Superbowl live. Is that possible this year? Yah damn right it is!

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  • 5 months later...

@TJM I'm catching up on all the posts I seem to have missed. I’m so glad to have read this— you have an amazing story to tell, and it’s inspiring. It brings to mind LouT’s comment that we need to decide to live, which you certainly did! I so understand your comment about the divisiveness in Europe. My recent experiences in Budapest & Prague have me diving deep into post-WW2 history. It’s mind boggling. I hope you are continuing to adventure!

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