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Lung nodule

Marie cannon

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I had a 17 mm lung nodule in early March  2024. On April 22 I had another ct and they say I have nothing there. I also had a 6mm nodule on my right lung for years and they say that is no longer there. 
it was noted as a -“17 mm focal irregular opacity.”  My question is do they just disappear that fast ?

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Hi Marie!  I've look at different posts to check for new posts or updates/replies on previous posts.  Somehow I never saw this post by you and apparently no-one else did either.  To answer your question - yes, nodules and ground glass opacities can just disappear.  I've read this often occurs by the three month rescans.  Interesting you had rescan a month or so after your first scan - they must've been concerned about the 17 mm.  Great then it disappeared in such a short period of time.

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The truth is that the majority of lung nodules (ground glass opacity or not) are not malignant, so having one or more disappear is not an unusual thing.  Most hang around and are stable with the occasional one that can become potentially malignant.  In your case the news seems to be good.


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