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An update, a thank you and a good bye


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Hi eveyone,

for those of you following my posts about my uncle and his lung cancer stage IIIb and then not lung cancer and then lung cancer again......well last Fri they finally diagnosed him with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Apparently he was in such an advanced state and because of the tumor in his lung, they thought it was lung cancer. He was twice on the brink of death, with family there and ready to be put on life support, twice he got better.....

They started aggressvie chemo in ICU (which is apparently very rare), and he responded immediately. Yesterday drs were amazed at his progress and if all goes well, he will be transfered to a regular room. WE are praying that treatment goes well.

Thank you all for your support and suggestions. You don't know how much you helped all the family grab onto hope....you are a wonderful group of people, and I'll keep you all in my prayers,keep strong, and well. I'd never "met" such a group of courageous, caring, individuals willing to share all their stories for the benefits of other, so thank you.

And lastly, this is a good bye (hopefully, as I'm sure you'll understand) I won't need to come back. I'm now going to look for a lymphoma support group to help us get through this.

God Bless You All

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Guest It's Fay A.

The long term survival and remission statistics for Hodgkins Lymphoma are very, very good. I am so happy for your entire family that his cancer has been identified, and that there are very good treatments out there for HL. Best wishes to you all...

Fay A.

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What a relief to have a correct diagnosis. I, too, know long-term survivors of Hodgkin's lymphoma. Now on to getting the proper treatment for your uncle! I am thrilled to hear he is responding well to the chemo.

You and your family will be in our thoughts--and I hope you find another board like this one that focuses on lymphoma.

Best wishes,


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