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I wish I was 10!!


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Remember how much fun we had in the sprintime at age 10??? Catching frogs and chasing fireflies. Swimming till we had prune skin and our teeth were chattering? Staying up late on Friday night to watch a scary movie and knowing that Mom and Dad were right there and "IT" was not going to get you?

Well, someplace "IT" did get us and stole all the fun and enjoyment we had at 10 IF we let it! I for 1 am NOT going to let it. Tomorrow I am taking my 4 year old grandson to the Dogwood Festival and we are going to ride the ponies (I have to walk, dang it) and ride the carosel and the rides and eat carmel apples and cotton candy (sugar be damned) and Corn Dogs and probably end up with a belly ache, lol.

Yes, I have cancer and yes, I am doing everything I can to beat it BUT one of the most important things I have found is to NOT give in to "IT". "IT" has to work that much harder if you keep a positive attitude and if you live life as MUCH as you can! If all you can do is read a good book or watch a funny movie, wonderful, you are ENJOYING life! If you DO have the energy to get out and about, wonderful, YOU are enjoying life! DO NOT let "IT" get you!!! Try to do something every day for YOU and try to have at least a short "cancer free" period every day where you just don't think about it!

The other (and most important) thing I have found in dealing with this disease in my faith in God. I don't want to push religion on anyone BUT I have found so much strength from my belief in God I can't imagine trying to get through this without him. I take all my cares and worries to him and let him take care of them. He usually leads me in the direction I need to go and has the answers I need to cope. HE gets me through my days and nights and he ain't done with me yet!

It helps!!

God Bless,


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Good for you. We are having a dandy day just North of you in Iowa. 86 degrees, dogs lying limp on the grass, us making jokes about the lazy dogs lying limp in the grass, wondering if it is firefly season yet. We walked around and saw some bluebells today, saw 7 duck eggs some silly duck laid right in our garden out in the open, good luck duck, most trees are budding out, checking out the birdhouses for occupancy, nice breeze, it is a lovely day. Margaret in Iowa

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Mo.... I so agree. I just got back from a carnival. I took my youngest and her friend. They were so cute. Ferris Wheels and spider rides are the scariest things in thier worlds right now.... and as long as I hold their hands, they are ok.

Thanks for the post. Enjoy tomorrow. (And of course as Bob likes to say... "always enjoy today")

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You sure do know how to bring back the sweet memories of my childhood. How priceless. I too was raised in Missouri and it is absolutely beautiful back there this time of year. I was raised in Ferguson/Florissant area I can't be back there right now, so please enjoy this time of year for me too. My two sons live in Washington, MO... I don't know how far that is from you. Have a blessed day and your always in my prayers...

God Bless,

Karen in So. California

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