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St. Peregrine


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My dad and I attended a healing mass last weekend on May 2nd, which is the feast day of St. Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer victims. I know there are many different faiths represented here, but I thought I would take the time to share with you the Prayer to St. Peregrine.

O GOD, who gave to St. Peregrine an angel for his companion, the Mother of God for his Teacher, and Jesus for the Physician of his malady; grant, we beseech Thee, through his merits, that we may on earth intensely love our holy angel, the Blessed Virgin, and our Saviour, and in heaven bless them forever. Grant that we receive the favor for which we now petition. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Say one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be to the Father, with the invocation: St. Peregrine, pray for us.

St. Peregrine was converted by St. Philip, O.S.M. He entered the Order of Servants of Mary in 1283. Thus began 62 years of unbelievable penance as Peregrine made reparation for the sins of his youth. His feast day is on May 2nd. St. Peregrine is universally invoked as PATRON OF CANCER VICTIMS because a cancerous growth on his own leg was miraculously cured.

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I have been friends with this saint since we were introduced over 6 yrs ago. I keep copies of his prayer to give away in my purse. It is always good to have someone praying for us. Donna G

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

These prayers are from


A Prayer to St. Peregrine for Sick Relatives and Friends

O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty", "The Wonder Worker" because of the numerous miracles which you obtained from God for those who have turned to you in their need. For so many years, you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being.

You turned to God when the power of human beings could do no more, and you were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His cross to heal your affliction. I now ask God to heal these sick persons whom I entrust to you:

(here mention their names)

Aided by your powerful intercession, I shall sing with Mary a hymn of gratitude to God for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.

A Prayer to St.Peregrine for One Suffering from Cancer

Dear St. Peregrine, I need your help. I feel so uncertain of my life right now.This serious illness makes me long for a sign of God's love. Help me to imitate your enduring faith when you faced the ugliness of cancer and surgery. Allow me to trust the Lord the way you did in this moment of distress. I want to be cured, but right now I ask God for the strength to bear the cross in my life. I seek the power to proclaim God's presence in my life despite the hardship, anguish and fear I now experience.

O Glorious St. Peregrine, be an inspiration to me and petitioner of those needed graces from our loving Father. Amen.

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