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Experience with antidepressants?

Guest DeeHee

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Guest DeeHee
:( I'm seeing doctor tomorrow and getting chemo. I've been having sad feelings with this 2nd bout of SCLC. Anyone out there take antidepressants and any side-effects I should know about? Are the mood swings part of the chemo, or just the general situation?
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Hi Deehee,

It is without saying that one would be down after finding out that their cancer had returned. Clinicians usually consider one depressed after I think 3 to 6 weeks of feeling down. But I certainly wouldn't wait that long to talk to your doctor. It is very common for people who are dealing with cancer to also suffer from depression. My father is still dealing with depression. As for side effects, well drugs have different effects on different people. Just make sure that any anti-depressants prescribed will not affect your treatment. It took awhile for my dad to ask about medication because he was just being too proud and stubborn (his words :-) Good luck to you, you whipped cancers butt once and you can do it again!


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This is Karen, David C's wife. I have been on Celexa for several years and it works well with me. I had a severe case of clinical depression after five years of infertility treatments and three miscarriages.

David, who has about the strongest disposition you'd ever see, went on a couple difference anti-depressants after his diagnoses and got some side affects from them. I think he was on Paxil and Zoloft. His insurance wouldn't cover Celexa, so we put him on my insurance plan and then the doc prescribed Celexa. It seems to be working with no side affects for him.

Karen C.

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Obviously the whole "cancer situation" is an upsetting rollercoaster for all of us. While antidepressents can certainly help take the edge off, sometimes a counselor can have the same effect.

A few months ago I went to a psychiatrist with ever intention of leaving his office with a prescription for an anti-depressent. What I discovered is that during our session, all of my fears and anxiety came pouring out of me like a faucet. I didn't realize just how much I was bottling things up (mostly to spare my friends and family all of my morbid thoughts, and because I was tired of hearing "you will be fine" from folks that couldn't bear the thought of it being any other way). I let ALL my feelings out and at the end of the session I felt LOADS better. Enough to say "let's hold off on that prescription, and can I meet with you again next week"?

Everyone is different and I would never say that taking anti-depressents vs. not taking them is good or bad either way. Everyone copes in different ways.

I would suggest asking your oncologist if your hospital has on-staff psychiatrist that work with cancer patients. If so, schedule an appt. He/She will work with you and determine the best way to handle your depression.

In any event, I wish you the very best as you undergo treatment and pray that you have a positive outcome!!! Bring on NED! :wink:

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I am a strong proponent of counseling, so I am with Heather. But, I am also a therapist. Unfortunately, most men keep things inside. Expression of sadness is somehow seen as a weakness. Chemically, there are many things going on in the body due to chemo and cancer. For myself, I take Lexapro. There are few, if any, side effects with this antidepressant.


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