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Pleurla Effusion, anyone have this, if so, how is it treated

Guest Michelle

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Guest Michelle


My husband has stage four NSCLC and was DX in April 02. I called today about his voice not coming back since his radiation therapy to his lymph node area around the originating tumor. (in the lung) I asked what the latest x-ray showed as I just could not bear not knowing until Wed. when we see both the main oncol. and his radiation oncologist. So it showed to be unchanged...WHICH IS GOOD, however, they noted a small plueral effusion. Now, I asked why that was there and what is done and I was only told it is common w/LC and if it gets bigger it needs to be tapped. Now, has anyone had this 'tapping' done? What does it entail? Is this something we need to be majorly concerned about?

Thank You,


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"Tapping" means they drain the fluid using a needle. If the cancer responds to the chemo, then the pleural effusion(fluid) will eventually go away. My mom had pleural effusion on both lungs. In September, the whole right chest cavity was opaque on the x-ray because of all the fluid. The left one resolved on its own, and she needed surgery to repair her right lung.

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I had a small pleural effusion last week. They drained it for diagnostic purposes--the doctor said there was only about a half cup of fluid, but they do the same thing if there is a lot of fluid. They put some sort of numbing cream on my back and then used a sonogram to find the pocket of fluid. Then the radiologist took a needle and put it through my back into the pocket and then used a vacuum-sealed bottle to drain the fluid. I got a little dizzy and had to spend 15 minutes lying down afterward being supervised because my blood pressure went low, but after that I was fine. I didn't feel the needle--just pressure in a place I am not accustomed to feeling pressure. I don't know if it was psychological or if removing that little bit of fluid did help, but my cough seemed better afterward.


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