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Cobra Insurance giving me fits


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I suppose it is more correct to say I am giving myself fits because Cobra Insurance is not behaving as I wish that it would.

Mostly venting here. My hubby got terminated with very short notice due to being off work for treatment - that is another story - but anyway, we got offered Cobra and assured it was retroactive, etc., and practically seamless transition. I think not. I got right on it - the first Cobra payment got there 6/9, I already made the second payment, and here we are 15 days later and nobody has told BC/BS yet. We are paying full price for prescriptions and how are you supposed to get precertification from the insurance company when the insurance company thinks you don't have insurance?

There are 4 parties in this circle and each one swears to me they did their part and the glitch is somewhere else. I suppose I am just being testy and everything will be fine in a few more days? But what if it isn't? I am thinking of calling a Patient Advocacy group.

Margaret in Iowa

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In situations like this, my favorite phrase is 'may I speak to your supervisor'. And I keep doing that until I get someone who can handle the problem.

Customer service in this country has gone to hell in a handbasket. If we don't fight for what is rightfully ours, then they win.

You go girl.

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The last prob I had with the medical profession dealt with medication and I asked for the name and phone number of the president of the company. Well, he heard from me and the problem was solved....no more supervisors or anyone under the president. Go right to the source of who has the authority to get the job done....

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On Thursday I called the Corporate Director of Human Relations for the company that terminated my husband and left a long voicemail. On Friday morning she called back and said this has been fixed. I gave it a couple of days but called Blue Cross/Blue Shield today and it is indeed fixed. Thanks for your advice.

Margaret in Iowa

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