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CT scan results tomorrow


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My dad finally gets his results tomorrow and I am soooooooo incredibly scared this time that I am going nuts!

This morning my mom had a breakdown at work so I had to leave my work to try and calm her down. Thankfully she works close by to me.

I dont know how to shake the fear within me. My stomach is in knots, my mind is wandering to places I wish it didnt and I know there is no sense in that until the results are in...its just hard.

Well I am off to bed although I dont think I will sleep much tonight, but first a long talk with the man upstairs....I hope he hears me.

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Thank you for all the well wishes and prayers.

Last night I had a long talk with the man upstairs and basically I just asked him to give us some hope. I didnt pray for a miracle but rather if there was bad news for it to at least be treatable. Something, anything positive.

He answered my prayer.

We didnt get great news but we sure didnt get bad news. Turns out the oncologists are still indecisive (spelling, oops) as to whether or not there is any new cancer or if its perhaps just a scar from radiation. They feel with the amount of pain dad is in there must be some reason for it but the tests are inconclusive. They suggested a PET scan but also advised that they are sometimes inconclusive and cost about $3000 as they are not covered under our medical plan.

So now we are going to sit as a family and discuss. In the meantime dad just keeps taking his pain meds to keep it in control and goes in for his next checkup in three months.

Hopefully the pain will not be too bad and life will become somewhat normal again, at least as much as it can.

Thanks again for all the support.


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hi tracy,

the man upstairs sure does have a lot of people to listen to. :wink: i'll send up prayers regarding your father's condition too. i hope that your mother is feeling better too. she's definitely lucky to have you so near. being "the daughter" in this whole situation (my mother has nsclc), i know how you feel. as for the pet scan, it often shows every single "abnormality" in the body, so the results do not necessarily mean cancer, so it may not be helpful for your situation. i pray that your father's checkup three months from now will show that it is indeed just a scar from radiation (and that the docs can finally come to that conclusion!). take care.

God bless,


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