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Ok WEIRD stuff has been happening since my dad died. I think i told you guys about how when we returned my dad lexus they said we were missing a set of keys (we gave them 3 already, jeez how many more can there be) so my mom was like Jimmy where are the keys?? out loud. couple hours later she was rolling some coins due to her temporary broke status and she went into a coin box he had that she NEVER went into. No one did unless she wanted a tounge lashing (my dad knew when i took like a dollar from his coins so no one touched) the keys were in there!!! werid.

and i said to renee's post about the cemetary how the sun has come out of clouds whenever i have gone

now NEW freaky stuff

so my dad's work buddies stopped by my mom house today they gave her a card from everyone with $1000 in it. presented a duplicate plaque to her that they have put up at his desk in GE that says here worked a hardworking so on and on man James F. Santilli who can not be replaced on and on, and included his employee badge number 446...how sweet huh, i was all like chocked up when my mom read it...here is the freak part and like i said this has been happening all the damn time now. I have one of my dad's watches the one he wore up till his death, my mom said i found his other old watch, you know what time it has been going off since she found it like 3 days after his death 4:46 am. my dad would NEVER set it for that early he worked the 3rd shift.......my mother said i took the watch down for the bedroom and showed them they were all freaked out and she never knew that was his employee id was 446 and i promise you he would have NEVER set it for that time regardless.

He is coming thru BIG TIME, but that does not surprise me much since he was pretty much let his presence be known when he was here. Just wanted to share.

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Karma, I love those stories. I am a firm believer in the fact that they do kinda stay around and know what's going on. My son died 6 yrs. ago. At that time my grandson was only 8mos. old so he never knew Scott. Of course we would talk about him from time to time. When Cameron, my grandson, was a little over a year old he was sitting at the piano banging away like kids like to do. He kept looking into the foyer. Finally he waved at "something" and said, "hey". When I asked him who he was talking to he said, "Cot." After that there were many times he would say, "Scott's coming, or here comes Scott." I was not the only witness. My husband and my daughter saw him do it. One day I asked him if Scott talked to him and he said, "mawmaw, it don't work that way." This continued until Cameron was about 4. My dad got sick and I brought him home to care for him. On Sat. morning my dad was in a coma and the family all came, as well as my best friend, Sue. That night Cameron said, "Pa's real sick, isn't he, and I said yes. He then asked where Scott was. About 4am my friend, Sue, went to lie down. Now Sue and I agree on many things, but had never agreed on life after death. She said she was resting, could hear us moving around the house and talking. Then she said someone shook her shoulder and when she looked Scott was standing there by the bed. He shook his finger at her and told her, "You tell them I'm OK, you tell them I'm OK. He then picked up her hand and BIT her finger. And yes, she said it hurt. He then said, "And don't forget this." She was basically in shock, but is now a great believer in life after death. When my dad was hospitalized he was overdosed. During his delirium he had said he would go on Sunday at noon, but he had to wait for Scott, and he was busy. My dad died at 12:20 the next day, Sunday. Since that time my grandson has not mentioned Scott again. So I firmly believe Scott came, took my dad home with him. So keep looking there will be signs that yes they do live on.

Sorry this was so long. But I just think it is a beautiful story.

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You know,

I had an uncle who died of LC last year. I went to visit him in winter 2001, but couldn't make it to the funeral in summer 2002 because of my mom's own health problems of course. My relatives went and when they got back, they told me stories about how at the funeral and wake, peoples' car alarms were going off and people were missing their keys and finding them in strange places. I never fully realized it, but my cousins came back to Illinois, and reminded me that my uncle was always kind of a prankster. One time, he left his family near a casino in Vegas, took off for a few minutes and showed up again.

When my dad died when I was 11, the night after the funeral I could feel someone getting on the bed with us.

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That is so wierd..especially the part about the watch.

You reminded me of when my dad died 10 years ago from a sudden heart attack. He had always bugged me about checking the oil in my car and whenever I stopped by my parents house, he would ask me, "have you checked the oil lately?" Of course I would grin and say, "oh, sure" and minutes later he would have the hood up and be checking the dipstick because he knew that I never checked it. It was like a running joke. My oil signal light on the console had gone out a couple years earlier, so it actually was important that the oil be checked from time to time but lazy me, never did. My dad tinkered with cars, but never could fix that indicator light!

In the blur of the days following his death, I was driving home from my mother's house and the oil light flashed on. The hair on my neck stood straight up, because I KNEW, without any reservations, my dad did it. That light hadn't worked in 2 years, and the oil could've been bone dry and it still hadn't worked! My dad had sent me a signal and taken care of something for me that he couldn't take care of anymore. From that day on, the oil light worked.

The very next day, I went to get gas. The flap on the gas tank hadn't worked manually in ages either, I always had to give the gas attendant my key so that he could unlock it. Just for the heck of it, I pulled the lever for the gas, and lo and behold, the damn thing swung open. All I remember feeling is this huge warmth. It was 2 "coincidences" in a row, I told very few people about it because they looked at me like OHHH...and I wasn't sure that they believed me. But the important thing was that I knew. Through the years, I tended to put it in the back of my mind...one of those too freaky to think about things. Thank you for reminding me!!

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On the day of my dads funeral when we were all up at the cemetary, a monarch butterfly flew by during the service. Then while we were in the car on the way home, we were stopped at a traffic light, when once again, a butterfly flew by the car that all of us were in(my mom & us 6 kids). The same day, after the service back at my parents house a few people stopped by. We were all out in the backyard when once again, another butterfly flew by. The same thing happened once more on that Saturday, and then a few more times the following Sunday. Needless to say we were all just mesmerized by this, just totally speachless. We truly all believed that it was my dad watching over us all, we joked later that if there was a party, my dad would find it. He always loved parties, and having good times, he was usually the life of the party in some way. Still to this day, it brings my mom & us kids a little comfort everytime we see a butterfly.

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Wow i loved hearing these other stories!!!! i am a firm beliver in this and YES the watch thing is ultra freaky! when i told my sister sandy who is in Chicago for a wedding i said so dad's badge number was 446 and she said oh my god mom made me play that number a couple of times last week cause a watch was going off at 4:46....i was like i know!! It was funny cause i didn't even need to get into with her. I would LOVE to hear more stories cause I think it is nice to know that they sometimes let us know their presence is here.

Heading to New Hampshire in honor of my dad, going to see the old man on the mountain no more since he never got to get back up there to offer his respects to him, so we are doing it today and goign to go hiking and stuff! Happy Father's day to all!!!!!!!!!!! Gives your an extra squeeze for me ok! :D

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As I am typing this there is a single, solitary fly buzzing around here in my basement. I was going to smack it but remembered what I've been reading on here, and realized it is Father's Day today. We are going to the cemetary after church.

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My grandfather passed away back in 1929. My mother was married that year and then along came three children. She didn't drive so she didn't get to go to the cemetary very often. Actually she forgot where the plot was. So sometime in the 1940's she decided to take us kids and go. She took along her camera. She found the plot and took a picture. That same day she took other pictures also. the camera worked fine then and long after. When she had the film developed, everything took except the monument of her father's. A big white circle was in its place. Still have the picture and have yet figured it out.....

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In paranormal Psychology terms it would be i think refered to as an orb. Sometimes happens in cemtary's some people say they are bands of light that are just there (bad picture) some people say it is the actual spirit of a person. I say which ever you think it is up to you :D

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