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Question for Oncodoc


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I do/did have an onc but I don't see him. It's a long story and I don't want to see him again if I can help it. We didn't have words or anything. He just was so negative and worse so uninformed to the point of bumbling that I just don't want to see him. I am limited by my HMO and by geography to this one practice, so to switch I would have to switch within the practice. (Someone else on this board had him and thought the same thing, plus someone else has a different one and also didn't have much good to say about him, either.) So not only do I not want the one I had, I don't want this other one either--who by the way also has more "time available" ( I can see why!). Plus, if the two are like this, how do I go about figuring out if any of the others are any different? It's not like I can interview them.

I don't know what to do. I may have mets and this situation is and has caused me a great deal of stress and wasted time. The case manager has been no help, but said I would need permission. Since they are in the same practice, I know I may have to one day see the guy and I don't want to create a worse scenario than already exists. I am sure he has good features and knows more about some things than others. How is this handled at your practice?

I tried getting the HMO to let me go out of network (and out of state) to see a thoracic onoclogist since there are none available in this network. They said that was not medically necessary. I beg to differ.

As a side question, how much interference do you see with HMOs in your area? I don't know if you can or will answer that, but I was wondering if this happens all over.


PS I posted on another thread about pain I am having and their refusal to order a bone scan today because my pain is not "typical met pain"--is there really such a thing? It sounds like I will not get to have the bone scan unless an onc will say I need it. See my catch-22?

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Sorry to hear about this Elaine! I'm not sure how many docs in that oncology group, we have 7 oncologists and patients switching doctors is very common. Sometimes people just don't hit it off, might be a bad day for you or the doc, might just be a conflict of personalities. The HMO thing is a toughie though and we deal with it here too. The biggest problem we have is our proximity to the Mayo Clinic; as you can imagine, many patients want the go to the WFMC (World Famous Mayo Clinic). The HMO thing can be problematic as most patients do not have Mayo included as one of their providers. Sometimes a patient with a Stage 1 breast cancer for example will want a referral to have all their care at Mayo and that can only be provided if I give a statement saying that I am not capable of treating that disease. Would be similar to a general surgeon stating he is incapable of doing an appendectomy...

Are there other options within the available oncology group? Even if they will not allow you to go outside the system for care, they should allow you to at least go outside the system for a second opinion. Then its a matter of "clicking" with one of the local doctors once a plan is in place if you don't trust them to formulate the treatment plan.

As far as the bone scan, if you are having pain you are worried about, you should get a bone scan. If he doesn't think it sounds like cancer pain, change your story....tell him the pain is worsening, localized and persistent (don't tell ANYONE I told you to do this :oops: ).

Wish I could be more help Elaine, wish you could find someone you trust....

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Since you say it's not a big deal at your practice, I am guessing there is a big reason it is big deal at mine. I am thinking that many people might be wanting to switch. I do know there is one that lots of people want, too.

About the pain. I took pain meds yesterday so I don't know if I am just masking the pain since I can create the pain today but it is milder. I really, really want to take a pain pill for my legs since yesterday and now are the first times in a long time they haven't hurt.

I think what I am going to do is take the pain meds for 5-7 days. Try to change my posture while I am on computer and be sure to sleep in a different way (not sure I can pull that off) and then go without pain meds for a day or two and see what happens!

At that point , I will go back and say the pain is steady and worsening. And to top it off I will flinch in anticipation as soon as his hands even begin to touch me.

But to be able to walk like a regular person sure is nice.

Thanks all for your imput.


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We switched oncologists within the same practice, we are now on #3. Honestly, they did not even notice I don't think. We have an HMO and we did not need to do anything to change, we just started making our appointments with the other guy. What happened the last time we switched, was that our guy was out of the office so we saw another doctor. He was so much more responsive to John's complaints about his cough, etc.-- I think we walked out with 3 perscriptions where the other had just said it was part of the disease. We're extremely happy with him.


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