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Laura Ann

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Everything posted by Laura Ann

  1. If you really want some laughs check out the movie, Napoleon Dynamite. It just came out on DVD and it is hilarious! Laura
  2. Hi Nicky and welcome. Has your father been offered radiation treatment? My mother had radiation to shrink her tumor and it was quite effective. Hope this helps. Laura
  3. Hi, I was wondering if anyone has any experiences or opinions about Procrit injections. My mother has had them in the past and I am not sure if they really help. Thanks, Laura
  4. Hey Cheryl, You MUST persevere. The people on this message board need YOU as much as you need them. Giving up now is not an option! You can make it. Laura
  5. Laura Ann


    I posted this on "Ask The Experts", but would like to know of others experiences with Megestrol. Hi, Could you please tell me the usual dosage of Megestrol when prescribed as an appetite stimulent. The patient is female 65 years of age, stage 4 NSCLC. Height is 5'4, weight 114. Is there certain criteria regarding the patient that would be considered in determing the dosage? Thanks, Laura
  6. Laura Ann

    Hair after WBR

    Hey TAnn, My mother had WBR the exact same time as you. She still has no hair at all. Laura
  7. The topic of caregivers has come up on this board. I, as a caregiver and health care advocate for my mother feel compelled to respond. While it is very true that some who are suffering with cancer are fine dealing with their illness alone, I don't believe that is true for all. There are certain conditions in which a caregiver/health care advocate is much needed. I think the patients age and stage at diagnosis has a lot to do with whether or not they can handle the disease without assistance. Also if the patient is very passive and uniformed regarding medical issues it is helpful to have an advocate on their side. Since my experience involves the care of my mother I will use her to cite a few of the many examples of why I believe one with advanced stage cancer needs help. First of all my mother age sixty five was diagnosed with stage 3b inoperable non-small cell Adenocarcinoma. My mother has always felt intimidated by Doctors. She has never been assertive about her health care management. The first Radiation Oncologist she met with assured her that she would not be able to complete therapy(for lack of being able to eat) unless she had a feeding tube installed. She would have went along with this had I not stepped in at that point and convinced her to get a second opinion. She switched doctors and ten months later no feeding tube, no unnecessary surgery. My mother is able to eat three meals a day ,which I gladly prepare for her. I remember reading somewhere that many lung cancer victims die from malnutrition before the disease actually kills them. If it were up to my mother to shop for groceries and prepare meals she could not possibly do so. Before my mother changed doctors( she also got a new Oncologists) she tried calling the Doc's office because she could not breathe at night, this was over the week-end. The doc did not return the call since my mother had an appointment on Monday I guess she didn't see the need. My mother, being the passive person she is(not wanting to bug a busy doctor) ended up in the hospital for four days with a quart and half of fluid on her lungs. This, again was before I stepped in to help. I have no problem calling and communicating my mothers needs to her docs and nurses. I'm always polite and patient and they seem to appreciate that I am there for my mother. Part of what I do for my mother on a regular basis consists of accompanying her to every doctor/diagnostic visit. Taking notes, asking questions, discussing treatment. This allows me to explain later to her and the rest of the family what is going on and SHE can decide how to procede once she has a full understanding. I keep up with moms meds, dosing , refilling, side effects etc. I research her options(using this site and others) so I can keep her informed on her condition. We all know the doctors have limited time with the patient. The other part, and I think most important , is the love and support that I offer my mother twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. I do the work so she does't have to. I know that my mothers time in this world is limited, I want to make every day count for her. Please, please don't respond and say what I am doing for my mother is wonderful and I am a great daughter. It's not about me, it's about her. This is a blessing from God that I am in a position in my life that I can do this for her. Laura
  8. Curtis G said Something got very spiritual in America when people were asked leaving the polling booths what they based their vote on and they answered "moral values". Laura
  9. Peggy, you are a ROCK for everyone on this message board, if anyone deserves to ask for prayers it is YOU. I hope that everyone who reads your post will offer up prayers for your husband. Laura
  10. That's a little bit more information than I needed.
  11. Hey Curtis, Only you know if you are ready for a relationship. Since this is an open forum and I am assuming you are open to opinions I would suggest that you not introduce your daughter to any women you are "casually" dating. Children tend to form quick attachments and don't understand when things don't work out. If and when you find a "keeper" that would be the time for them to meet. Hope you don't take this the wrong way..... just my opinion. Laura
  12. Boy Peggy, You summed up what I was trying to say so well. I just hate to type, I always try to get by with as few words as possible. Cheryl, you just hang in there and do not allow negative thoughts to worry you or ruin your Christmas. Laura
  13. Hey Cheryl, I would not even listen to anymore remarks/comments/information. Why worry yourself, it may not be true. You know what your boss told you. Focus on your recovery. Just do your job and if someone tries to tell you something negative stop them before they get started and say you just don't want to know. Until something happens that you can absolutely prove why invite this stress into your life. Laura
  14. Hey Don, Wishing Lucy all the best with her treatment. I am a little cofused however, I thought I had read that a Pet Scan does not reveal cancer activity in the brain. Can you comment on this. I will say a prayer for you and Lucy. Thanks, Laura
  15. Hebbie, I hope you do not think I was accusing you of church bashing, after all you did not write the article. The information is out there, it's everywhere. As I said in an earlier post, do we really know what causes cancer? Are we going to live our lives in fear of everything we breath, touch or eat causing cancer? Should we use good judgement about certain lifestyles, you betcha. Having said that, when I take my mother to mass on Sunday morning I would rather for her to be at peace and in prayer instead of thinking about candles and incense causing lung cancer. Laura P.S. For Snowflake I thought this was a forum where all were welcome to express support, opinions and concerns. I really think the ''tone" of your response to my post was uncalled for. So far you have directed your opinion mostly toward me and not the article. I addressed the article period end of sentance.
  16. Hi Donna, Thank you for your post. It seems that you and I were the only ones questioning the study. It is interesting that they mentioned church and clergy in their study but offered no statistics to show that priests or church workers have increased incidences of lung disease/cancer. Incense is sold openly in many stores and I hear it is quite popular for teenagers to burn in their rooms(probably with the doors closed). Wouldn't it seem more risky to burn incense in a 12X12 enclosed room than in a large open church during Sunday mass. The same goes with candle burning. I just found it quite odd that the article singled out churches. Maybe I would have gotten a different response from the forum had I not mentioned that I heard about it on Rush Limbaugh's show???? Just my 2 cents. Laura
  17. I heard about this on the Rush Limbaugh Show today. His take on it is the same as mine, yet another attack on Religion. I, as a Catholic am particularly incensed! Laura
  18. I posted this in another section, but wanted others thoughts on this topic. In my opinion, I think there is a lot of politics involved in the "second hand" smoke issue. Will we ever know, or be given all the information that we need to reduce our risk for cancer? There has been research done(in other countries) that shows a significant increase in risk for breast cancer in women who have had abortions. I bet most people on this board have never heard of this. Doesn't it make sense that this information should be available to women so that they can make an informed decision? There are people out there(I'm not one of them) who truly believe that the cure for cancer has been found and is being kept from us because sick people generate more revenue. I know this is kind of off the topic, but it I felt compelled to respond. Laura
  19. In my opinion, I think there is a lot of politics involved in the "second hand" smoke issue. Will we ever know, or be given all the information that we need to reduce our risk for cancer? There has been research done(in other countries) that shows a significant increase in risk for breast cancer in women who have had abortions. I bet most people on this board have never heard of this. Doesn't it make sense that this information should be available to women so that they can make an informed decision? There are people out there(I'm not one of them) who truly believe that the cure for cancer has been found and is being kept from us because sick people generate more revenue. I know this is kind of off the topic, but it I felt compelled to respond. Laura
  20. Hi Kim, Just some words of encouragement. My mother quit smoking after a thirty five year pack a day habit and my mother-in-law quit a FIFTY YEAR pack a day habit. Mom quit because of her first bout with lung cancer in 1992 and my mother-in-law found out that her Macular Degeneration(sp?) was likely due to her smoking habit. Anyone can quit, you just have to believe and will yourself to do it. I forgot to mention, I too am a former smoker. Laura
  21. Hi Teresa, My mother woke up one morning and had a considerable amount of blood in her urine. I called the Oncologist and they had her come in to check the coumadin level in her blood. They adjusted the dose and since then she has not had any blood. Hope this info helps. Laura
  22. Regarding a name for you baby horse, since it's a "he", how about Ned? Laura
  23. My mother has had previous radiation to her leg and chest(all by the same doc). Each time she was "tatooed" in the area to be treated. When she received wbr, there were no markings on her head at all. I hate to question her too much about this since it is already done, but want to be sure that her safety was not compromised. I know the radiation oncologist and he is very well respected here in Louisville and on a personal level is very kind and compassionate. Should I be worried? Laura
  24. I'm a little concerned. I keep reading post about patients receiving WBR and having a mask made. My mother had 13 rounds of WBR but there was not a mask made for her. Was this wrong? Laura
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