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Posts posted by pammie

  1. Just finshed WBR on April 29. First tumor in occipital lobe took away the lower left quadrant of my vision. Have had seven aditional brain tumors so the docs convinced me that WBR was about the only way to touch the seed tumors. Deep fatigue has been my biggest problem. Just want to sleep and sleep. Am also taking temodar 7days on, 7 off. Today is the first day since i finished WBR that i have not spent most time sleeping. So I am praying and hoping that the fatigue will begin to lift a little each day. So far i don't have any cognitive problems and take care of my physical needs just fine. There may be cognitive problems down the road, i don't know. I am very thankful that God has brought me to this point. Each person is unique so their reactions will be just a little different. Age of treatment with WBR is also a big influence on how the patient responds cognitavely. Praying that you will be at peace with whatever decision is made. pammie

  2. Karen and Tanner, these are hard times for all the family. Pull close and nurture each other as best you can with lots of hugs and love going through the family. It is hard to depend on a God we cannot see, but we depend on other things we cannot see or understand.God the creator has been with us every second of our journey. We never would have made it this far alone. My prayer is that God will strengthen and encourage you. pammie

  3. Finished with the month of WBR. God has brought us through this . Now i am hoping the fatigue will gradually disappear. I sleep so much that my interaction with family is limited. I know that the temodar every other week also contributes to the situation. By the grace of God we are doing well. Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers.pammie

  4. Melinda, it's normal to feel what is going at this time of grief, separation and adjustment. Know your kids are experiencing similar feeings. Lots of prayers will be continuing for all of you. This is a tough time for your family. So thankful you are still posting. Lots of concern for you all and many thoughts and prayers. pammie

  5. What a wonderful place to be HEAVEN! No sorrow, tears or pain. Only GOOD. Know you will miss him terribly so will be praying for God to envelop you with His comfort and peace. pammie

  6. Will be praying for you and your mom. Meds are a wonderful blessing, especially to get us "over the hump" or "thru the valley". Constant pain can really wear a person down. The doc needs to address this issue with your mom and you. God bless you. pammie

  7. Teri, God doesn't always say yes. We had a friend go from physical life to spiritual life early this morning. He had a brain tumor. Sometimes God says "yes", sometimes "wait" and sometimes "no". We continue to pray because we wan't to be fully within the Father's will no matter what the answer. "Pray without ceasing" I Thessalonians 5:17. Will continue to keep you and Bill in our prayers. pammie

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