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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. We have not stopped praying.

    It is NOT trivial

    It is huge and you count and we care.

    Wish we could run over to help or at least keep you company and let Greg vent on us.........He is probably feeling pretty helpless and is angy that he can't fix things for you.







    I am new, so do not know your hx w/ lc or losing your child.

    I do, however, recognize and feel your pain.

    Working w/ women just sux sometimes. All that nuturing and gentle stuff gets lost in petty mean BS. Why?

    I have no clue.

    I have experienced it in the workplace, as well.

    What used to help me was to get out of the office, go outside and LOOK UP.

    When you see the big sky you get an idea of tiny our segment of the world is.....................

    Since we work with these folks all the time we forget that they and our office or workplace are IN THE WORLD..........rather than THE WHOLE WORLD>

    Re: the gift: how about a nice card w/ a gift cerificate to Amazon.........no effort at all and you get to hold your head up and know you are true to your goodness.

    It is hard............It is not fair.............It sux.............but IT IS. The question for me usually comes down to this:

    The situation is (fill in the blank) Now: WHO am I going to be about it????

    This is a great and loving theory that I manage to put into practice about 40% of the time.......................The rest of the time I am human and what hurts truly hurts and I act like I feel.

    I get you............I care..............I am on your side!!

    Pat in IL>

  2. Last year at this time Brian and I were on vacation. We had no idea what lie ahead................

    "LIVE" each day and love it.

    We are trying so hard to live moment by moment through Grace.

    It is hard.

    Thank you for being here.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    Brian and Pat

  3. BethWhen Brian lost his right hand in an industrial accident the only thing that touched his pain was dilaudid. It is an old time med that literally saved his sanity. Morphine did not work for him, either.

    .................................You are not to worry about that, now...........you are fighting a really good fight........................Just put info in your hip pocket and assume you will not need it for a very very long time.

    Much luv and hugs, Beth

    Pat and Brian

  4. 1) Our new friends on LCSC

    2) Brian's hair still hasn't started to fall out

    3) Brian is still doing well w/ chemo

    4) Health Insurance--- so far

    5) Finding little projects to keep us busy and our minds occupied

  5. We are new. We feel your impact through this board. We are so glad you are home, Frank, and selfishly, we anticipate drawing strength from you...............hopefully your strength will continue to be replenished through all the prayers lifted up for you and your family.

    Thank you for being here.

    Pat and Brian

  6. 1) Chemo is not making Brian too sick today

    2) Our children are each okay today

    3) Our bills are paid this month

    4) "GRACE" for the moment

    5) Our new friends on this board.

    Brian and Pat

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