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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Beth...........

    We hear the relief and renewed spirit in your post.

    God bless your mother and the rest of your family.

    Sleep well and dream of remission......



  2. Wonderful news.....................Mrs. Manny we thank you for the upbeat news. All the best to you hubster.

    His DJ skills will be appreciated as we all hold hands under the big glittery ball and do the happy dance.

    Much love to you and your family and all glory to God.

    Pat and Brian

  3. Take a look at the thread under the Good News Heading relative to RFA.........

    any other information?


    Pat and Brian

  4. I have spent the better part of 2 hours researching RFA on the internet.........I can't find a reason to not be optimistic.............

    Why was this info in my newpaper before our onc. mentioned it?

    What is the downside? Is there one????

    Someone know something???????

  5. Unc,

    I followed a link I found on MrsManny's profile to a site called carebridge, I think. I was thinking that something similar to that would be awesome for you, in particular. Your journal is a gift to Brian and to me. We hang on the computer for each day's entry............(By the way: I hope you don't think a little thing like SCLC will get you out of sharing today's......................we are waiting *foot tapping impatiently*) It looked like a site where you could give updates and do journaling that folks you share the link w/ can go to bask in your warm humor and "rest a spell".

    We care

    Wadda ya think?


  6. Brian had our home tested for Radon. Our average over 2 days was 9.1. The literature says "even levels below 4 pCi/L pose some risk. There is a lot of info on the internet about Radon Gas.

    We are going to install a mitigation system.................seems rather like closing the barn door after the horses are out, but.........right now I am letting Brian call all the shots............It is vital that he HAS SOME KIND OF CONTROL OVER SOMETHING................

    Who knows what we have all been exposed to..............I remember as a kid sitting on the front porch and watching the big city equipment go up and down the streets spraying pesticides to kill Dutch Elm Disease. We thought it was entertainment................then we went to the back yard and sat at our picnic table and ate lunch...............no one even knew to cover up the eating areas...........................

    Life is a crap shoot.

  7. Hi, BC

    Brian is on Cisplatin/VP16 (etoposide).

    He did great the first time around..........just complained of feeling bloated. They gave him lasix and that helped.

    This round was a bit rougher w/ nausea and weakness..........but is easing up and he actually worked in the yard today.

    He has learned to get some antiacids on board before the chemo day. That helps. He sleeps really well w/ an Ativan at bedtime.

    Hope things go smoothly for you.............

    Bri has no radation due to the liver mets.

    Sending 'good vibes'........

    Pat and Brian

  8. Please remember Brian in prayer.

    Tomorrow AM he has his CT Scan to see if the chemo

    is making any headway against the tumors.

    Thank you for being here and for helping us.

    Brian said he is so nervous that he does not want

    to call for results. He prefers to wait for his onc

    appt. on 4-13. I will respect his wishes.


  9. us, too, Beth.

    We are trying to have a spring attitude. We did really good at first, then with the rough chemo round have been fighting some depression and bitterness.................................

    CT for Bri on 5th.........results at next onc visit on 13th..................

    Brian's medical record states that Brian is entirely too healthy to have the extensive Stage IV Lung Cancer that shows on his tests.

    I guess we should try to revel in the good things (like feeling fairly well) and not let our knowledge of the disease influence how we feel. We really identify with your post and are grateful to read that someone can put our feelings into words.

    Brian sends empathy and support, honey.

    Can you take ativan with the sterioids? That helps Bri get to sleep when the monsters under the bed try to keep him awake and worried.

    thanks for being here and for setting a good example for us.

    Relative to weight issues..........................we know how much we can all be affected by what the scale says, or by how our clothes fit and how comfortable we feel in our bodies. Seems ridiculous that even w/ LC stress Brian still weighs everday and worries that the work he did to get at a "healthy" (ha ha) weight will be undermined by stress eating and by high calorie food that comforts him when his tummy is unsettled........SO MUCH OF THIS WHOLE PROCESS IS JUST GROSSLY UNFAIR.

    We will join you in the quest for sanity, positive thinking and determination.

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