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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Paddy,

    I am a new friend, but want to tell you that David WILL always know where you are...because you are part of each other......I am sure.

    I hope your move can be an adventure for you. And I can vouch for the healing power of hugs from grandchildren.

    All the best.


  2. Frank, dear Frank,

    Love and support for you and for Connie. We are relatively new here, but absolutely know how much you support all of us. You welcomed us so warmly when we came here and we love to read the posts to and about you. You are so loved and so respected and so important.

    Please know how much we care and how much YOU DO SUPPORT ALL OF US. We feel your support whether you can post or not.

    Thank you!!

    Love and sincere good wishes

    Brian and Pat

  3. Melanie,

    How wonderfully lucky those 4 children are to have you for an example.

    You have such stamina, determination, and class.

    Sometimes things seem really scary at about 5 in the morning. I wish I could bring you a cup of tea and a warm cinamon roll and wrap you in a big blanket and rock you for a bit................Try to imagine being rocked by all of us who are rooting for you and who love you.

    We are praying for reduced swelling and better eyesight and and best medical care for you.

    Hug the children for us.

    Lots of love

    Pat and Brian

  4. Oh dear, hope you get an answer soon. Your doctor sounds a bit uncaring!

    I understand how you feel.........since Brian has been dx I have gained weight and it is funny, no matter how many other serious issues you have, things are easier to deal w. if you clothes aren't too tight!!

    A fellow weight warrior!

    1000 calories may not be enough. Maybe your body is holding each one rather than burning any????

    I have no real help to offer, just lots of understanding!

    Keep us posted!



  5. Cindi,

    How goes the packing?

    Wish we could help. Brian and I are very organized..........to a fault..........believe me! We drive normal folks nuts.........but that is useful in some situations like packing and moving.

    I am uploading strength and zip for your do dah!!

    Much love and respect


  6. Cathy,

    Praying that you are guided to the right decisions by Our Lord's loving Hand and that you know clearly how much you are loved and respected.

    Don't forget to breathe and don't forget how important you are to us.

    Sending lots of love, lots of prayers, and all the support available.

    We care and we are rooting for you!


    Pat and Brian

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