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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Melanie,

    How powerful

    What a blessing

    How very very loved you are!

    What wonderful children/teachers/friends

    We are in tears and thankful for this gift!!

    Sending more prayers and more support.

    We are in complete AWE of God's Glory and like CathyR said, we are learing: "How important kindness is"

    Brian and Pat

  2. Hello! and Welcome! This is a wonderful site. You will be amazed at the love and support you will find here. My hubster and I are relatively new to this whole thing, but there are wonderfully smart and caring people who will offer to share their experience with you.

    My DH has Stage IV too, but radiation was not an option for him. His mets are in his liver.

    Come on in and rest your troubles for a while.


    Pat and Brian

  3. Peggy,

    Thank you for the post and the positive energy. We needed it and are grateful. Your words are true, except for the part about you not being special. YOU ARE SPECIAL AND YOUR FAMILY IS SPECIAL and we love you.

    Pat and Brian

  4. Beth, Brian and I can't help w/ info but want to say don't think we think things are gross.

    Thank God for this site and for all the help we get.

    Gross is the fact that all our plans for the future are on hold and that Bri and Bill feel so sick........that's gross!

    Mucus and poop and blood and sputum and biopsy "stuff" and emisis...........well, those are just the outward signs of what we are suffering w/ inside.

    Tell Bill that Brian sends his best and hug yourself for me.

    Pat and Bri

  5. all of that and a bag of chips!!!!!!

    Beth, surviving one year is awesome! This is not a situation where you need style points!!

    You got over the hump the best way you could.

    Congrats to you and your supportive family!

    Brian and I will have diet coke, tho, cuz we are both long time AA members..............this would not be a good time for us to fall off the wagon..........

    Lots of love, and we volunteer to be the Designated Drivers!

  6. Nancy,

    We care.........we are pretty new at this so have not got much to offer in the way of information....only prayers and support.

    I vote for the ER if you think Monday AM is too long off for your husband's care.


    Pat and Brian

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