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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Cathy,

    Your kids are so lucky to have you!! The hair thing will make a nice giggly ice breaker..........just enjoy it..........You are truly beautiful and that will always be the first thing anyone sees.

    Relax, be good to yourself, let the kids pamper you and get lots of hugs.


    Pat and Brian

  2. Hey, Spunky, there is not ONE thing crummy about you!!!

    You are perfect.

    RE: Nails, Brian's are brittle and growing quickly.

    The side affect that bothers him the most:



    Poor guy................he gags on gum right now, and peppermints are okay for a temporary fix, but he is mortified!!

    Lord love a duck! This chemo stuff sux!

  3. I say ask and ye shall receive.

    Knock and it shall be opened to you. I bet Our Lord is just waiting to work through some of your acquaintances. He uses even the least of us............

    Trust, Cindi, put your heart on your sleeve and trust.

    If cyber help was all it took you have been moved by now and sitting down to a nice bowl of homemade soup and hugged till you were sore!

    We love you..............

    I wonder if you could call a neighborhood church or synagogue? or Boy scouts? or even one of the temp agencies for a couple good strong young men ? You could just pay a day laborer for the heavy stuff???

    Lord, please some strong backs and strong minds and strong help for our cindi girl!!!



  4. Thank you, all, for the love, support and encouragement we so desparately need.

    Brian has scans today. He is pretty sick, and I surely do hope he can "lie still". He will take an ativan before we leave and that will help.

    There is no way we can convey in words what each of you means to us.

    We read and relish every word you write. We take hope from each post and feel hugged. We have a binder that I made up for Brian with many of his favorite posts printed out..............he reads it daily and says: Attitude still good.............determination still strong.

    God led us here, I know he will not abandon even one of us.

    Brian decided that he wanted to do our preplanning for final arrangements. We spent most of yesterday at the cemetary and the funeral home.........it was hard, yet good, somehow. He feels really good to have that task completed. I am sure glad he had control over at least those things in his life........it seems like so much is decided for him, I love when he gets to call the shots.........any shots.........about any thing at all. He is the most dear and gentle man. I am so proud of how he is "doing" this. I am so glad that he is not just curling up in his big chair and withdrawing. He went out to feed his squirrels this morning and had to run in during the process to be sick to his stomach, but went right back to finish. How can you not respect and love him?

    Lots of love and prayerful thank yous.


  5. You rock!

    Brian and I quit in 1998. We still miss them and wonder if it was closing the barn door after the horses were out.

    We are proud of you!

    More anniversaries!!!!!!!!!

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