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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Beth and Bill,

    How wonderful!

    We are gratified to hear it!

    Wish we could attend the pool party! Neither of us has ever been to one of those.


    Pat and Brian

  2. All,

    Please keep Brian in your prayers. He is having a rough time w/ round four Cisplatin/VP16. During infusion yesterday there was discussion of possibly admitting him to the hospital for a couple days to try to get a handle on things.

    They gave him ativan iv push and instead of going from Decadron @ 10 mg for Wed. only they decided to give him 4 mg on Thurs and Fri additionally so he would not "crash" so hard.

    Those things seem to have really helped. He is much more himself today. He actually ate some breakfast and is snoozing in his "big chair" till time to go for the last day of this infusion round.

    The reality of what is really happening is beginning to sink in for us. As Brian says: "this is the real deal".

    Brian feels so deeply close with all the survivors. He asked me to tell you that though he is not the typist of our team he thrives on the support we both get here.

    Please know that we pray for each of you - survivor and family member - every single day.

    We are really scared and having a rough time.

    We have a few tough tasks in front of us:

    Doc told Brian even if we are blessed w/ remission or some "really good time", he does not want him back at his machine due to the poor air quality that is a by-product of his type of work.

    Brian is really having a bad reaction to that and is dreading giving the news to his employer and all the things that go w/ that............like picking up his tools and tool box and closing the door on 35 years of his life. Then of course, there is the financial impact of that action.

    He wants to learn the best way to "cash" his 401 K and so on.................ya know I think the disease should be enough for all of us..............the devil truly is in the 'details' or in the accompanying "stuff" that results from the disease.

    Please pray for us.

    Doc ordered a CT scan right away again, he thinks "something is going on"?

    On a happy note: the portacath is working well and has been a blessing.

    Thanks for listening and for caring about us.

  3. Some PMs really hurt. It is such a shock to get anything other than love and support -- especially when that is what YOU offer to ALL others.

    It has happened to me, too, Doug. I envy your articulate response.............I just cried.



  4. It could be that bone mets are just harder to work around than brian's liver ones????????

    We're new to this whole thing, so we are sure there are tons of things we have no clue about. All I know is that this whole thing is difficult for all of us.

    Thanks for another perspective, Val.

    Love and hugs for your mom and daughter and you, too.

  5. Dear dear Marchwind,

    My hubby is 56,too. What a loving wife you are.......

    I wonder about the ER if you are 2 hours from the oncologist?

    Gosh, I wish we could run over.............We want to help, but feel so frustrated.

    When you called the onc. were they surprised at how sick he is?

    Know that we care and consider the ER...........if he is too ill to climb in the car for the trip to the onc on Thursday there are ways to arrange for transportation that allows him to lie down.......Can we help somehow?

  6. If I am being too nosey............just ignore me, but my heart is in the right place.

    My DH has NSCLC, also. He stays very busy except for the 3 days of chemo and a couple after.

    Do you mind if I ask your hubby's age?

    I remember you said something about light sensitivity.....is that why he is in a dark room?

    Does he have other health challenges?

    Are you with him at home?

    Is the feeling of wanting to sleep/stay in bed, due to physical issues or is he just "hiding" (we totally understand the desire to hide, but you just can't give in to it for too long)

    The first thing I did when I got on this forum was to read my husband all the positive news I could find.........and there is a lot of it. I am not ignoring the cancer or the diagnosis, I am just trying to help him stay optimistic. The mind has as much to do w/ getting better as medicine does, in my opinion.

    Tell your hubster that we care and that he should try to sit up and make a fist with us!!

    Lots of love and support

    Pat and Brian

  7. Dawn,

    Please know we are aching with you. We are also rejoicing with you that your brother was,indeed, able to attend graduation ceremonies for his beloved niece.


    Pat and Brian

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