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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Our dear Cindi............yes, we will belly up to the bar...........but first we want to hear about your trip/treatment.Glad you are home.............

    Diet Coke for me (wedge of fresh lemon) Brian is throwing up since he is on day 2 of cycle 5 Cisplatin / VP 16, he said he would like just a soda cracker. (but he is smiling)

    We have a couple of celebration items to add:

    Our grandaughter, who was born at only 28 weeks last April, is off oxygen. So she was able to come for a visit w/ her mommy and daddy (my middle son) from Panama City Beach, FL for the long weekend. She has been mute since birth and has many other health concerns. HOWEVER she is the happiest baby we have ever seen. She is loving and giggly and wiggly and smiley.

    AND NOW FOR THE BIG NEWS: (drum roll) SHE MADE HER FIRST VOCALIZATION EVER WHILE SHE WAS PLAYING WITH ME AND GRANDPA BRIAN!!!! It was a kind of giggly kweeeuuuu noise............but it was her first noise ever! As the visit went on she did it a few more times.............She has so many things ahead of her to contend with, but if it turns out that she is not mute forever it will make a huge difference for her and her mommy and daddy!!!

    Also, This is the last cisplatin/vp16 round for Brian. In 2 months he starts Tarceva.

    Also Frank has new plans for tx.

    Also we offer a heart felt toast that Justa sounds like she is feeling better........that Peggy's hubby has some time off work..........

    In general we wish to celebrate the gift Katie and Rick gave us when they made this family available to us.

    Peace, joy and contentment, all!



  2. Hi, Pat, my name is Pat, also.

    I understand your husband's concerns. I lost my sister to SCLC at age 50. When my husband, Brian, was diagnosed I had a pretty clear idea what treatment entailed. It was hard to know what he may go through.....................BUT!

    Each person is different. Each person is just that : A PERSON.

    Many people go through chemo and/or radiation and/or surgery and/or gamma knife and/or RAF..........and each person reacts individually.

    Though this diagnosis impacts your husband, it is yours. You make the calls. Then your husband, (and if you wish) all of us support you and encourage you.

    Brian makes the motions --- I second them -- no matter what. If he wants to try the "??? green bean ???? treatment or the ????? Dial Soap ????? treatment then that is what we will do............and Pat, so far, so good!!!

    Don't give up............you are NOT a statistic, nor are you anyone else..............

    You go girl!!!

    We are all here for you.

    Tell Hubster we are here for him, too. His role is tough, but we can help.

    Lots of love!

    Pat and Brian O

  3. Brian is starting Tarceva about 2 months from now. There is room in the 15% for all of us!!

    Frank, you are an inspiration. We are struggling.......but also are taking notes and imitating all our strong friends on LCSC.

    Congratulations are being a strong advocate for


    Love and support


  4. We are familiar with those kinds of days.

    They suck.

    Beth, we care. I wish we could say just the right encouraging words.............Please know that you could be coughing out of nervousness, or spring allergies..........You have been feeling crappy for a while now and sometimes it is just hard to remember feeling good.

    Sending lots of hugs and "poor babies" to you and praying hard for a bright happy tomorrow.



  5. Peggy, Don,

    Lots of love, support and encouragement. Wish the report had been a bit better, but love the idea of a quick plan to move forward.

    We are staunchly in your corner!

    Lots of love,


  6. We are so sad.

    Yet, we are so glad for the love that surrounds Betty.

    We carry her loving encouragement in our hearts forever.

    Our most sincere sympathy is extended to her family and to our LCSC family.

    We are so sad.

  7. Bill, Welcome from Brian and me, too.

    It is a sad thing for any of us to be have to be here.

    Understanding that .......... this group of people means the world to us and we are glad to have you join us.

    Stay positive and determined.


    Pat and Bri (Brat)

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