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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Hi,

    Nice to meet you, we are new, but want to let you know that your post was disturbing to read.

    You deserve better, dear.

    Here's hoping for a big Jackpot in LV.

    Pat and Brian

  2. No input on techniques, but tons of prayer and support and encouragement.

    Hang in there, dear one, when you have a tx plan in place you feel much stronger in this whole thing.

    We care.

    Brian and Pat

  3. Welcome!

    Well, what a shock for you!

    How grossly unfair!

    Hebbie (a fellow member) is really up to speed on microbiotics.........see, already, a new friend.

    and there are lots of us all here for you and your new hubby.

    We all care and we all 'get it'.

    You will feel better when there is a tx plan in place and you can know you are making progress against the disease.

    Take care, honey, and know that we are here for you guys..........anytime at all.

    From an old Rock n Roller................and a neighbor............we live in Rockford.


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