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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... ewsid=9255

    I am not as good at reading technical papers as Rich or others and at first I read this and was upset, but the last paragraph held out a lot of hope for us.

    Brian has had no further reduction in tumors since scans after round 2 of cisplatin/vp16--------but no growth or spread, either............I think this article says that Tarceva may hold him steady for a time............and if the side effects from chemo lessen, as they should, he will have a nice summer!

    I am very uplifted by this article.

    I hope I read it correctly.


    PS I will post the link in LC news, too, but am hoping someone will help me understand what it says.

  2. Melanie,

    That doc wanted to believe his first theory so badly..........so did we.......the inconsistency and wavering of his opinion must be so aggravating.

    Try to remember, he really has no clue, none of us do. We have to trust and believe that we are held in loving hands and all will be well accordingly.

    The consistencies you have are wonderful; remember:

    your wonderful family

    your strong supporters on LCSC

    prayers offered up on your behalf

    a wonderful summer of good times w/ your kids

    and love, support and encouragement from,


  3. I have to tell you that Brian has a new lease on life today.

    He is so encouraged by this news. I honestly can feel a change in him.

    I wish I could find the words to type to let you know, Jim, what this means to him.

    He is feeling so poorly and it has been really getting him down. Today he has renewed his fight and it really shows.





  4. Dearest Jimben

    We love your good news!!! It gives us hope and we revel in your joy!!

    Just as you share our hardships and joys so we share yours!!!

    Please continue the reveling and I hope cloud nine is a large puffy cumulus cuz Brian and I are joining the group.

    Cindi, please set up a temporary bar on cloud nine..........we are buying..........



  5. Oh, Sandy,

    Your post has me first smiling then concerned.

    Isn't that just the way life usually is??

    Good and bad, good and bad, good and bad.

    Please know that June 22 will be prayer and support day for you from us.

    Keep us posted and we are so glad you are busy with life and keeping surgery where it belongs...........as a detail to be dealt with in its proper time.............



  6. Carleen and Keith,


    Nice to meet you. We are Brian and Pat. ( Brian's car friends call us BRAT ) We are in Rockford Il., so we are your neighbors.

    Thank you for coming back to this forum. We all need each other. I feel exactly the same about Brian that you describe feeling about Keith.

    We are family, dear. I am sorry that any of us needs to be here, but am so grateful for the gifts of friends, encouragement, and information that we are given here.

    We have you firmly in prayer.



  7. Sweet Gail,

    Be as good to yourself as you are to others.

    Feel the sadness and treasure the good memories of your friendship and know that you are good and kind and loving, she knows she could have called on you. That was a certain comfort to her.



  8. I prayed this morning begging God for the Grace to weather the current chemo storm.

    I read this thread and thanked my Savior for answering my prayer so profoundly and pointedly.

    Peggy, Tina, Mary Ann, Nancy, along with SBeth, Ry and the other caring/supportive partners are the reason for any semblence of sanity I have left. ( I shouldn't mention names as I do not want to hurt or ignore anyone of our wonderful group~~please know that my heart is in the right place and I love each of our family)

    Brian has been able to be out of bed for about 6 hours in 3 days. He is so sick and so weak. Yesterday was his birthday ~~ what a bummer day for him ~~

    On the 17th we will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary and the 19th is Father's Day...........June is his favorite month.......I just hope he can find some energy before it is July!

    I have taken the phrase:

    "Short~Term~Terrible" as my mantra for today, and it has really helped. This is temporary........it is not out of the realm of expected occurances and it is not indicative of a prognosis.

    It is sad, scary and cruel and unfair............it is CHEMO.

    this, too, shall pass.

    Thank you for being here.

    I am so very grateful that I am not alone in my feelings, reactions and fears.



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