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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Wonderful, Tiny, to get your good news.

    Those of us in IL will try to take good care of your friend/onc and send prayers that your new person is wondeful.

    Pat and Brian

  2. 1) Melanie L R came by just as we so sorely needed a 'boost'

    2) Examples of heroism every day on LCSC

    3) Shared strength on LCSC

    4) The kindness shown Brian and me here

    5) The opportunity to say thank you.

  3. Hi, Melinda, I have no idea, but will be interested in the responses as Brian began Tarceva on June 23. He has no rash and no diahrea yet.

    Glad you found us...........prayers for your mom and your family and hugs for you.

    Pat and Brian

  4. Ginny,

    Please pass me one of those cookies.........how appropriate that the recipe password is in a cookie.............

    Sorry for the sad and deparate attempt at humor...........I really needed a giggle.......it is so hard to wait for Bri's scan tonight at 7 and then 36 hours for the result.



  5. Kathy,

    Just want to let you know that we care. I am sure we will get to know each other better as we move along this road we have in common.

    The group on this forum have literally been a God-Send for Brian and for me.

    Welcome, sorry you needed to find us, but you will be grateful that you did.


    Pat and Brian

  6. Hi, UNCA,

    We have no idea on a 'norm', but we rejoice in any shrinkage (other than the Seinfeld Rendition of Shrinkage).

    It sounds like you are a poster child for how to weather chemo!! Keep it up, Doug, you are an inspiration and joy to us!!


    Pat and Brian

  7. Minnie,

    Your post is woven with love for your mom and family.

    That love will see you through. Remember it, hold it and rejoice in it.

    May you feel your mother's peace.


    Brian and Pat

  8. Guys,

    We are very concerned and unnerved. The oncologist's nurse called us today. I had called at 8 this AM to let them know that Brian was NOT taking the Biaxin and that if doc wanted him on an antibiotic he would need to prescribe an alternative since Biaxin should not be given w/ Tarceva according to my research.

    The RN said that doc did not want to keep Brian on any antibiotic because the fever and other symptoms are NOT related to an infection. The Chest Film they did on last Thursday to check for pneumonia showed that Brian's lung tumor is growing rapidly; doctor thinks that is the reason for all Brian's symptoms.........especially if the liver tumor is growing at a similar rate to his lung tumer. Doc ordered a CT Scan of chest and abdomen for tomorrow night at 7 (only opening) and then we see him on Thursday at 2:15 to discuss this progression and plan treatment.

    This really took the wind out of Brian's sails. He was so looking forward to Tarceva (pill vs. infustion) and some "stable" time to rest up from chemo.

    We need your prayers, please.

    I still can't believe this turn of events.

  9. wow, what awesome photos.............we are glad to see the pics that tug on our heartstrings.

    2 of our neighborhood cats.............who should NOT have been outside...........killed 2 of our baby bunnies yesterday.

    Brian and I were both crying while we cleaned up the mess..............it was so sad, so we are glad to see some loveable kitties who know how to co-exist with other of God's creatures.



  10. Maybe this is why Brian is having such a rough few days!!

    Look what I found on line:

    DRUG INTERACTIONS: CYP3A4 is an enzyme in the liver that breaks-down and helps to eliminate erlotinib from the body. Drugs that inhibit CYP3A4 can result in high levels of erlotinib in the body, and the high levels can result in toxicity from erlotinib. Such drugs include atazanavir (Reyataz), clarithromycin (Biaxin), indinavir (Crixivan), itraconazole (Sporanox), ketoconazole (Nizoral), nefazodone (Serzone), nelfinavir (Viracept), ritonavir (Norvir), saquinavir (Invirase; Fortovase), telithromycin (Ketek), and voriconazole (VFEND). In patients receiving these drugs, a lower dose of erlotinib may be needed to prevent toxicity.

    Brian was given Tarceva (erlotinib) to start on Thursday. At the same time he was given Biaxin to treat the FUO.

    I don't think that 4 doses of Tarceva could cause toxicity, but it concerns me that our onc would prescribe these conflicting drugs............

  11. We love you, Addie..........Brian states that Peanut Brittle could bribe him ~~ no sweat.......

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful spirit w/ us.

    This past week has been awful for us and now, with your posts, a couple of loving PMs and my usual dose of Cindi ~ isms we can start this week renewed.


    Pat and Brian

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