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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Peggy,

    Bri is having knee pain. Onc explained that chemo is a great anti inflammatory med and that being off the chemo now for a few weeks means his arthritis like aches are much more noticeable.

    Does that help at all?

    He has pain in his left shoulder, too. I think that is because he abuses his left side because he has no right hand, but it could be related, too, like doc said to the chemo.

    Hugs for you and Don.


  2. Well, friends, I owe each of you an apology.

    I am asking for your indulgence and forgivness.

    I talk a great story.

    I am not so hot at walking the talk.

    I profess Faith and Hope and Charity.

    Then, when the going gets tough............I forget.

    I refuse to trust.

    I try to control things.

    I try to be strong.

    I try to be proactive, and 'handle things'.

    I think that outcomes are dependent on my input.

    I try to 'reason' the unfairness out of the situation.

    I try to justify events, happenings and results.

    I get my feelings hurt ~~~~~~~~ like this whole cancer thing is about ME.

    I look to get MY NEEDS met, forgetting to meet the needs of those around me.

    I am angry.

    I am sad.

    I am scared.

    I am overly sensitive and needy.

    Now for the worst..............I am jealous of the good news and demoralized by any bad news.

    I have internalized perceived criticisms and felt sorry for myself.

    I have wallowed in self-pity.

    Having admitted this, I am asking for support and prayer while I give this sinfulness to Yahweh. There is nothing I can "DO" to fix myself.

    I simply have to use my AA experiences and "LET GO"

    so, today,

    I am letting go of this behavior, I am getting in and getting wet ~~~~~~~~ again.

    Each of you is so important and so precious.

    I am sorry for being selfish, and for missing the whole point of this whole journey.........IT IS NOT ABOUT ME.

    I can not ensure that I won't fall again...........I can only promise that He will boost me up each time to begin again.

    In His Grip,

    Pat Osberg

  3. Cindi,

    Are you going to have a car?

    I am sure you can take the walker on the plane. They usually let you get seated, then take it and store it till landing.

    We are not cosmopolitan enough to appreciate Indian food, but would love to find a way to see you.


  4. I know how much we appreciate all your mentoring.

    God bless you both.......It is in giving that we receive.

    Lots of love

    Pat and Brian

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