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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Melanie,

    Brian asked me to read your post 2X.........

    He is still commenting that you will be the person to give him his first 'trim' once his hair comes back, even a little.

    You have given us a much needed boost today.

    We are humbled and honored to call you friend.

    We are uploading 'hip strength' and are so glad you can go w/ your daughter to orientation.

    Honey, you are awesome, thank you for the warm and loving post and know that we love and admire you.


  2. >>>>>>>>>and a great time was had by all!!!

    Wow,Cindi, what a glorious vacation.

    You deserve it and aren't friends the best blessing?

    Welcome home.

    Love Brian and Pat

  3. Thank you for the update.

    We were headed for bed (Yes, we are embarrassed by our early bedtime) but we decided to check for an update just one more time.

    the report sounds good........we will continue the prayers.


    I read on one of the threads where you said: " I wish I had a friend like ............. "

    Well, please know that you are so very very loved and treasured

    by all of us on LCSC. You are the best kind of friend to all of us and we just want to be sure you know that your love and support are returned.

    Try to get some good sleep and hug Don and Mike for us.

    Pat and Brian

  4. Hi, Kelly,

    I see in the bio that Tarceva is the med your mom is on...........SBETH(who responded above mine)'s hubby and my hubby, Brian are on Tarceva, as well.

    Glad you found us.............we will support you the best we can and Brian and I will add you to our prayer concerns.

    Thanks for posting/joining our family.



  5. Karen,

    We got the same info on Avistin.

    No Go.

    Plus the Doc said that he did not think it was right for Brian.

    WE continue to hold you in prayer.


    Pat and Brian

  6. Peggy, Don, Mike,

    We are praying and sending love and support and understanding.

    hang in there...................

    One small step at a time, he doesn't have to give up driving forever, jsut till he gets this checked out and understands what is going on.

    He can mow when things turn around.

    We hired our school teacher neighbor to mow 'for now' and we decided not to keep shopping for condos.

    for now.

    don can borrow some of our AA skills..........one minute at a time, do what is right for right now and the future will be well.

    God bless you, dear. We love you.

    Pat and Brian

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