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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. It is a new day and we are renewing prayer for you, honey.

    I was thinking: If you are not at the bottom of the hole there is no footing.

    Now that you have reached the bottom you can plant your feet and move up.

    We are with you and we care.


    pat and Brian

    Hugs for hubby and kids..................

  2. Oh Peggy,

    We love you so much and Don and Mike, too.

    We are going to pray for you guys so hard tonight.

    We only wish we could be there with you.

    But our thoughts are there and our hearts.


    Go ahead and cry, and know we are here to dry the tears and all of us care so much.

    Extra prayers for Mike.

    Love Love Love


  3. Bunny,

    Thank you so much for posting for us.

    You guys, I am so very tired and we are so very bummed, but we are drawn to this site. We have been home just a bit and needed to sign on to gather our strength for continuing on our journey.

    Thank you thank you thank you for the prayers and support and encouragement.

    Please continue prayer as we do for all of us.

    We went in to see doc a bit concerned about the Tarceva side effects. Brian's skin is splitting around his nail beds and his feet and one remaining hand are numb (doc was shocked to see this.......neuropathy is not usually associated w/ Trarceva......so ??? is it a residual effect of Cisplatin, VP 16?????) anyway, he has been very tired and running random fevers and having night sweats and chills..............We just were hoping the Tarceva dose could be lowered. The least we were hoping was that the tumors had stopped growing. And he could continue to gather strength for the fight.

    Well I could tell that doc was trying to find a way to shift the topic of conversation from side effects of Tarceva. He was looking at Brian's rash (which was really prominent today) and without looking at Brian's face he said, "Well, no more Tarceva for you, all it has done for you is give you side effects." He left that hanging out there to sink in. It did sink in and Brian said: "Then the scans weren't so good?" doc didn't say anything. He had the scans all sorted out and put Tues's up on the viewer on one side and the ones from June on the other.

    He went through several sheets till he came to the "ONE" . Brian and I both ~ even with our uneducated eyes ~ could see the concern!

    His lung tumor has grown like mad. Every bit of progress we had against it w/ Cisplatin/VP16's first two rounds is undone. The tumor is now closing off one of the 2 main bronchi.........I have a lot of studying to do!............ It is really really big. I can't describe it.

    The liver tumor has grown and 'brightened' as well, but not as remarkably as the lung/mediastinal.

    We just could not catch our collective breath.


    Doc would waste no time.

    Bri is to stop Tarceva

    He began Carboplatin and CPT-11 today (4.5 hours total)

    His bloodwork was worrisome so he got some blood products, not sure just what?

    He gets another infusion day 8.

    weekly bloodwork and arenesp and so on........

    then start over after one week off.

    Then scans right away cuz doc said WE MUST STOP THIS GROWTH..........so if this is not working he will throw something else at it.

    So I guess the symptoms were not Tarceva induced, but progression induced. Doc took Brian's hand and said "We are not done fighting" 'We have more guns in our arsenal, you are doing a super job of doing your part, I just have to get the right combo for you" .

    I am so scared. Brian is apologizing, fer cryen' out loud.........What a dear dear man..........

    We are like deer in the headlights.

    I missed you all day.

    I usually have this site up most of the day on my work computer while I sell those fasteners..........and I needed you guys.

    Bunny Girl,

    thanks for taking my call in the middle of your day and for being a dear friend.........I needed my LCSC family and you brought them to me.

    Sorry this is so long...........

    thank you for reading it

    Brian said to remind you that August is the month for good news per our Tina, and that he is not going to be the one to mess it up..........so he plans on the new protocol doing a number on his tumor.

    We love you

    Now I want to read how the rest of us are doing.


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