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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Oh, there you are!!

    Thanks for keeping vigil for Peggy and Don, Fay.


    Thank you for your generous gift of the update. We are with you every step of this journey.

    We think that the report is very very positive and that you and Don are awesome.

    How is your son?

    We continue prayer and loving support.

    Pat and Brian




    It is wonderful to intersperse prayers of gratitude w/ our supplications.

    T, we are so very glad.


    Pat and Brian

  3. We know you are trying!!

    It is what you do.

    We are your cheering section, your prayer committee and your allies.


    Pat and Brian

    Hugs all around.

  4. Beth,

    Honey, honey, we are so sad to hear that you are so understandably bummed.

    this whole freakin' thing is a bummer.

    It is sad that you have pain.

    It is unfair that you are so young and have such 'old' problems.

    It is sad that your husband is feeling helpless to help you.

    It is absolutly maddening that you can not seem to catch a break.

    All true and all honestly felt reactions and emotions.

    Go ahead and feel sad and bummed and downright depressed..........then listen to your mom. Listen to our God. Listen to all of us who are pulling for you. Listen to our hearts beating w/ yours.

    Here is how I like to think about our God:

    Remember after Adam and Eve sinned? Remember they were ashamed of their nakedness and tried to make clothing of fig leaves?

    Well our God ~YOUR GOD ~ made clothing from animal skins and clothed Adam and Eve.

    He did not toss it on the ground near them and tell them to get dressed........HE CLOTHED THEM. Can't you hear HIM? asking how they fit? Were they comfortable? He did that for the children who had disobeyed him.

    HONEY, HE LOVE US, HE really really loves us. He knows your name.

    I believe that God writes straight w/ crooked lines.

    We don't get it........I don't know why you have to go through this.

    It sux, but I HONESTLY BELIEVE that YOUR God is with you on the journey.

    Honey, I want to hug you, cook dinner for hubby and kids and sit w/ your mom and bring her coffee.

    I can't but honestly I am doing all that in my heart and I am praying my *ss off. I know God hears us all crying out to Him to bring you calm. I know He will lead you to still waters and bring you peace. I pray He hurries....(and I am glad He has a sense of humor!)



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