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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Oh, We are so happy to have our ShineladySue.

    She truely does shine in our hearts.

    Her encouragement, understanding, pms and loving concern have bolstered our spirits on many occasions.

    Sue, we respect and admire your honesty, determination, and they way you share yourself w/ all of us.


    thanks for the start of this positive exercise.


    Pat and Brian

  2. Oh Peggy,

    I am late to this........

    Our prayers always include you and Don and Mike and we will continue them.

    How scary


    Maybe it is for the best? At least Don has a good idea of what can happen...........though we understand his determination and admire it.


    We are sending hugs and regular prayer and lots of love and support.

    Brian and Pat

  3. Brian runs fevers and get the chills.

    He says his skin feels funny..........like he can't stand to have anything touch his skin............

    His face is horrible looking (Beth, it is about 2 X worse than the pics I sent you)

    Brian spent the last 3 days very very very disconcerted.

    Tell Bill we care.



  4. Carleen, Keith,

    We are so pleased to receive this news. Keith, we know how hard to be satisfied with :

    "well, at least....................", but it really really is good news, honest!!

    We love it.

    Pat and Brian

  5. Bunny, thanks for starting this thread.

    I need this exercise.

    1) Brian is still fighting

    2) My friends here

    3) Rain..........we are in a drought

    4) Loving post from dil this AM

    5) Cindi is in my state........hopefully having fun.

  6. hi, fufu,

    How is fu fu diffently from Foo Foo??

    It is so cute.

    I had a dog when Brian and I met. He was a poor scraggly, previously abused, and cranky poodle.

    I named him POGO, but Brian always called him

    an 'emergency reserve foo foo dog'.

    I love your nickname................I am sure you will come to know that we are all here to support each other.

    Just type................everyone will help w/ the rest.


    Pat and Brian

  7. Lisa,

    The pain is so fresh,isn't it?

    It is not 10 years old.

    It is fresh with each 'miss you.

    I pray you can trust that your mom is with you in spirit and that you can teach your daughter about love by letting her see how you love your mom.



  8. We don't know about bone mets (Brian's main mets are in his liver and lymph system), but Brian is on Tarceva, too.

    Hopefully it is just the ticket for your dad and for Bri.



  9. This is such sad sad sad news.

    Cathy was one the first to encourage us and support us.

    What a great example she set.

    What a class act.

    What a sad day.

    Please accept our condolences and know we have your family in prayer.


    Pat and Brian

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