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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. While reading the posts this month, I remember thinking that many of us are going to have testing, updating and planning appointments in August.

    Brian and I want to assure all that we have 'stepped up' our prayers for all of us.

    I am always so afraid to mention names because I will invariably leave someone out, but we want you all to know that each of you is so important to us and that we care about each person as a person and not just as 'the forum'.

    We ask for prayer for Brian. His scan is August 2 and we will get results on August 4. He has not been doing as well as we hoped he would with being off Cisplatin and VP 16 for 6 weeks.

    Our prayer is that he can hold his own against the cancer with Tarceva. The rash and other side effects are daunting, but nothing compared to the rapid progression that was demonstrated on his last scan.

    We pray that August will bring continued positive news for those making good progress and that it will bring a turn to better news for those struggling.

    We are unable to articulate the gratitude and love we feel for our LCSC family.

    Pat and Brian O

  2. Leslie,

    We love stable.

    Stable: no progression of disease.

    What could be wrong w/ that???

    We offer our woo hoo to join w/ the others and continue to hold you in prayer.

    Thanks for all the contributions you make to the forum and for always lifting us up.


    Pat and Brian

  3. This better news is most welcomed.

    Peggy, our prayer and support continue........

    We understand about the bike...........Brian just waxes the '56 all the time, but never takes it out alone.......ever.........he only showed one time this summer, and had to leave early.

    Remind Don that we understand and send lots of support and prayer.

    pat and brian

  4. Hi, Val,

    Hugs for you, baby and hubster.

    You are awesome and we love you.

    Glad you will be w/ your husband for the next month and know you will be blessed for all you have done and continue to do.

    Pat and Brian

  5. Dear Spunky,

    The Lord is your Shepherd.

    He will lead you and keep you.

    Try to let Him carry the worry for now.

    and try to remember how much we care and that we understand and empathize and send all kinds of love and support.

    Loads are lighter when shared.

    Let us help.


    Pat and Brian

  6. Peggy,

    Thank you for caring about us and for taking time to update us.

    We continue all fervent prayer..........and are sending love and support.

    I am so glad he is getting all these tests and now they have started the antibiotics. I bet if they can just get one thing calmed down he will get progressivly better...........rather like reverse domino effect.

    Hugs, dear friend, and lots of love. Know we are with you.

    Pat and Brian

  7. Dear dear dear friend,

    You are awesome................I love the act of kindness you showed us in the Macadamia Nut reference. Your friend from HA showed love by giving you macs and you made the love bigger and stronger by passing it on and sharing the nuts.

    That is what we want to do today: All the love and support shown Brian and me ~ we are uploading and sharing with you..........no one loves us w/ macadamia nuts, but we are sending prayers, hugs, support and strength.

    Mostly we are sending ourselves so that you know we are with you and you are not alone in your cancer battle.


    Pat and Brian

  8. T,

    This latest bit of abuse is simply (in football terms) 'piling on'.

    Will someone please throw the yellow flag!?

    Thank you for the update as we think of you several times daily and are sending all possible positives your way.

    We care and want to be sure that you know that.

    Prayers for painfree days and good solid medical answers and tx.


    Pat and Brian

  9. Well, Peggy,

    We did check last night for an update and then entrusted our concerns for Don, Mike and you to God.

    We are praying so fervently for problem identification and effective treatment.

    We hope you are getting some rest and we are glad Don is willing to work w/ his excellent medical team to get things back on track.

    Peggy, you know how much we care and how firmly we have you in prayer..............I just wanted to remind you.


    Pat and Brian

  10. It has taken us all day to know what we want to say in this post, Fay.

    We have no words; only tears, admiration and support.

    Here's to the smart cookie and the armadillo.

    May they find you soon.


    Pat and Brian

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