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Posts posted by Patkid

  1. Geesh, T,

    Insult on top of Injury.

    You are so brave................you are right!! We have no idea the strength we can muster when we need to.

    My your strenght continue and please know how much we care and that we are sending love and support for our dear dear pin cushion.


    Pat and Bri


    This is a hard time for our family on LCSC we are praying extra.

  2. What a gift to us you all are!

    Thank you. Beth, this was really sweet of you.

    We are off for the scan.

    I am hoping that Tarceva is wrecking havoc in Brian's body while doing a number on the tumors, or that he is anxious about the scans.........we were up most of the night. Bri ran a fever and had horrible sweats (Gross) alternating w/ chills.

    I am so glad we are going to see the doc on Thursday.

    He has to get his port accessed for the contrast before the CT Scan and have blood drawn for the doc's review on Thursday, so the RNs will be 'clapping eyes' on him today and I am glad. He looks like he has been through a war..........and I guess he has.......

    I am counting on August for better days for all of us!

    Again, thanks.



  3. Peggy, Don,

    Thank you for the update. Our prayers are unwavering.

    The Lord is YOUR Shepherd.................

    The best part of the post is relative to the 'meeting of minds'.

    Know we are with you guys and that we care so much.


    Pat and Brian

  4. MK

    Your daughter looks like joy personified!!

    Hug her and know we are glad to hear from you.

    Amie, Thanks for you loving consideration for all of us!


    Pat and Bri

  5. This thread is helpful to me.

    Brian has been feeling 'yucky in the tummy', and it is confusing. He doesn't throw up, but he can never tell if he is nauseated or hungry. Sometimes a bit of food helps, some time it makes things worse.

    He generally feels yucky and is running a temp more often.

    We have scans Tuesday. We will let you know.

    I pray that none of us is having progression and that this is 'flukey'.


  6. Oliver,

    ? We do not know.

    We are scared about insurance coverage, too.

    Brian has stopped working. He is on Cobra, we are holding our breath...........

    I read something in the policy that said that if you were disabled you could extend Cobra, but I really did not get it.

    We don't even understand how his status affects his 401 K

    Wouldn't ya think that LC is enuf????, but no, we have to mess around w/ all this 'stuff', too.

    We will be watching for answers, too, and want you to know that we understand and we care.

    pat and brian

  7. Don,

    We WANT to post here.

    You are so supportive of all of us........please let us voice our support, as always, for Lucie and you.

    Lots of fervent prayer for our hero: Lucie.


    Pat and Brian

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